
The Goddess brought Irene outside the barrier that used Ariel as the central point and spread out like a dome. As soon as the Goddess glanced at the barrier, it dissolved into thin air, allowing Irene to move freely towards Ariel.

"Where is she?" Irene mouthed to her mother as she looked around the large castle of Romania.

Currently, they were standing at what looked like a path between the main tower and a small tower at the end.

The Goddess pointed towards the small tower and whispered, "She's there." A subtle smile appeared on her face as she further said, "Let's go and surprise Ariel. I can already see how she's going to react when she will see us."

Irene wasn't that confident about meeting Ariel after being absent from her life for all this time. However, seeing how her mother was eager to meet Ariel, she hoped that everything would go smoothly.

"Yes, let's meet her," she mumbled and took a deep breath in before following her mother.