
Michael dropped to his knees after going through the agonizing pain for what felt like an eternity to him.

All the angels who vowed to back him up couldn't utter a sound. All they did was quietly watched as God proceeded to take away the title of the Chief Prince from the very angel who they all had decided to follow.

Michael was still recovering from the pain, when he heard his father announcing, "I am going to appoint a much more capable Chief Prince right now, in front of all the audiences."

Michael raised his head to look at his father with a betrayed look on his face. He had a slight hope that his father was only going to remove him from his post temporarily. But when he said that he was going to appoint another Chief Prince right away, he could see his dream of ruling over the universe one day slowly slipping away from him.

"You cannot do this to me!" he shouted at his father.