
"What's all this ruckus?"

Without missing a beat, Damien turned towards the door and complained to Kenneth, "Ariel brought some shape-shifting monster from Heaven!"

Kenneth was flabbergasted when he heard Damien. He quickly darted his eyes around the room to see where that said shape-shifting 'monster' was, but he didn't see anything. Herbert was hiding behind the curtains by now. So, Kenneth thought that only Damien and Ariel were able to see that monster.

He glanced at Ariel and asked in his stunned voice, "There are monsters in Heaven? I thought only angels lived there."

"Isn't it obvious? Monsters live in Hell," Ramon entered the room while answering Kenneth. He had heard Kenneth's stupid question from outside and thought that yesterday's incident had taken a toll on Kenneth's mental health.

Kenneth pointed at Damien and said, "But he said something else."