Experiencing the Festival

"Where were the two of you?" Zach asked Ariel as soon as he saw her and Kenneth appearing after quite some time.

"We had some really good candies. You two didn't even get to e–" He suddenly stopped speaking when he saw the two of them up close, especially their eyes. Both of their eyes looked slightly red and puffy, as though they had been crying their eyes out.

He ran up to Ariel and asked her in a whisper, "Ary, did something happen?" He also turned his gaze to Kenneth, hoping that either he or Ariel would answer him.

However, Kenneth chose to give the cousins some privacy and walked away to find Grace.

Ariel looked past Zach. Her eyes met with her father's. He simply gave her a mirthless smile and turned to engage in conversation with Joyce and Vlad. She watched Damien walking up to Kenneth.

Ariel focused her attention back on Zach and answered him in a whisper, "I ended things with Kenneth."