
With steps as light as that of a mouse, Damien treaded the thick forest with caution. If the coachman had indeed been abducted or harmed by someone or something, he wanted to make sure that he didn't engage unless he was sure what he was dealing with.

Although he was more than capable of handling a few humans, some wild beasts, or even a pack of werewolves on his own, he didn't want to jump in and accidentally kill a few of those Earthlings.

It was a miracle that even after killing a human in the past in the fit of his rage and bloodlust, no one had caught up to his unforgivable sin. Or even if they did, no one had taken any action against him yet.

And by killing some more of the Earthlings, he didn't want to provoke any powerful entities, especially Ariel's grandfather.

"I can't afford to be careless while I am here on Earth," Damien thought to himself as he looked deep into the forest.