A Short Catch Up

"Who's there?" one of the guards on patrol duty asked when he suddenly heard sudden thud and groans in the dungeon.

Damien quickly gestured for Silvia to not let that guard know about his presence since he had no intention of staying there in the castle as an uninvited guest.

Silvia also didn't want to put Damien in a difficult position since he was in the middle of his journey, and he wasn't traveling alone. Thus, she gave a nod to Damien and then shouted back, "Uh… it's me. I was just… checking."

"Ah! Did you need any help, Princess," that guard asked as he kept on walking towards the cell from where the sound was coming.

And the Princess of Aberdeen abruptly denied the help, "No, I'm good. I was just taking a run and somehow ended up here."