Mc Stats

(Spoiler Alert)

Name: Ja Sun (Jason)

Age: 22

Spirit: 57 (Constantly refined by Final Buddha Array and Myriad Step Refining Array.)

Attained Realm: Self (Perfect Control of Spirit Energy and ability to create variants use of spirit skills.)

Name: Evil Title

Type: Body Spirit (The back of the right palm.)

Attribute: Evil

Appearance: The Evil Title appears as an image of an ink-black eye on the back of the right palm.

Use: The Evil Title randomly summons an evil-attributed spirit beast next to the user. The Spirit Beast may not be friendly.


Name: Three-eyed Silver Lion

Type: Beast Spirit

Attribute: Spirit (Main), Light, Space

Appearance: The Three-eyed Silver Lion's appearance is more similar to a wolf. It has a slender body covered with silver fur and a thick silver mane that looks lustrous. Its claws resemble that of a phoenix's talons. The three eyes on its body are bright green in color. The vertical, third eye often reveals a gentle glow.

When the spirit possesses the spirit master, the spirit master's hair turns silver, and fur grows out of his firearms and legs. The feet and hands turn into sharp claws with astounding tearing force and the ears of the spirit master elongate. The elongated ears are carpeted with fuzzy fur that gives it an animalistic characteristic. In between the user's eye, a mark of the third eye appears in the form of a green-eyed tattoo.


1) Increases agility by 10%

2) Increases affinity with light attribute. (Passive)

3) Increases affinity with spatial attribute. (Passive)

4) Raises the speed of cultivation by 5%.

5) Raises the speed of cultivation of spirit masters and spirit beasts around the spirit master by 15%: Limit— 50-kilometer radius.

1st Spirit Skill: Silver Burst

Use: Covers the user's talons with thick currents of silver energy that increases the ability of the talon. There is a 70℅ enhancement of the talons and the other affected regions. The skill will last until revoked or the user runs out of spirit energy.

Origin: Bright Goddess Butterfly (Spirit Soul)

Year: 960→3000+→17000+

Color: Yellow→Purple→Black


2nd Spirit Skill: Silver Light Wings

Use: Creates two pairs of phoenix wings made of spirit energy on the user's back which allows flight until the depletion of spirit energy. These wings are recognized as the limbs of the user when activated.

Variant Use: Feathers of Freedom

Use: Allows the user to detach all the feathers of the four wings and control them as the user wishes. (Like Byakuya's Senbonsakura)

Origin: Bright Goddess Butterfly (Spirit Soul)

Year: 17000+

Color: Black


3rd Spirit Skill: Bright World

Use: A two-fold attack. Mental and visual. Those who don't have their eyes protected will be sent into a daze but the condition of this skill is that one must view the light. The attack doesn't consume spirit energy but mental energy. The Heaven-Defying part of the skill is that in the area of light, the opponents who have the user locked on with their spirit senses will only end up losing the user, effectively evading any homing-type skills.

Origin: Bright Goddess Butterfly (Spirit Soul)

Year: 17000+

Color: Black


4th Spirit Skill: Heaven's Descent

Use: Upon physical contact, the user's palm reveal a flash of purple light that instantly passes through the body of the target affecting the opponent with not a nightmare but the more euphoric sensation under the guise of an illusion. This skill also sends a very discreet toxin that affects one's sea of consciousness and if not treated by the user or someone powerful with purer spirit energy, target's mental energy will be corrupted and soon affect the cultivation negatively.

Origin: Nightmare's Fantasy (Spirit Soul)

Year: 84000+

Color: Black


5th Spirit Skill: Fantasy Clone

Use: The user spends the entirety of one's spirit energy to create a clone that can utilize any spirit ability except the fifth spirit ability. The clone can be controlled using the mental connection and last as long as they aren't deprived of their mental energy or the user wishes to expend all their energy into a single attack or wish to dissipate it. The clone is unable to absorb mental energy from the surroundings unless the user injects its own spirit energy.

Origin: Nightmare's Fantasy (Spirit Soul)

Year: 84000+

Color: Black



Spirit Bones—

Nightmare's Fantasy Skull Bone.

Age: 63000 years.


1) Yin-Yang True Illusion: Allows the user to contort space and create real-life illusions at the constant expense of mental energy. The consumption is directly proportional to the size and intensity of the illusion.

2) True Fantasy: Creates an independent space around the user, the size of it dependent on the consumption of spirit energy where:

•Connected individuals will be able to cultivate with an additional increase of pace by 30%.

•Deprive the opponent's mental strength and suppress their five senses.

•Make the opponents face their worst nightmares in the form of a mental illusion.

•Allows Telepathic communication with connected individuals.

3) Third Eye of Dream: Converges mental energy from the surroundings by itself and grows the mental energy of the user.


Hell Black Tiger Right Arm Bone.

Age: 80000 years.


1) Sage Tiger Summoning: The ability to summon an Evil-eyed White Tiger Sage's phantom that protects the user and can be appropriately controlled. This ability can only be launched using the Hell Black and Hell White Tiger Spirit Bone.


Hell White Tiger Left Arm Bone

Age: 80000 years.


1) Sage Tiger Summoning: The ability to summon an Evil-eyed White Tiger Sage's phantom that protects the user and can be appropriately controlled. This ability can only be launched using the Hell Black and Hell White Tiger Spirit Bone.




Fiery Golden Pupils— Fiery Realm (3rd Level)


1) Enhanced Eyesight.

2) Able to see-through illusions.

3) A passive mental barrier around the user's sea of consciousness defending against mental attacks from senses other than the vision.

4) Countering the mental attacks passively.

5) Forcefully increase the quality of mental attack by three complete realms.


Gentle Tactics and Storm Steps: A combat technique allowing user to wield shock force that affects the internal organs instead of external body parts and a set of movement techniques that can manipulate momentum to give extra thrust in each strike.


Astral Combatant: A technique that converges one's vast mental energy into a lifelike entity, completely focusing mental energy on one point. Once created, the Astral Combatant becomes the user's phantom avatar and the user can share its senses with the otherwise passive avatar at all times.


1) To devour mental energy from fresh corpses and refine it completely.

2) To manipulate mental energy in utmost control without any wastage.




1) Blood Artifact: Vajra Gauntlets

2) Sigh of Immortal: A bright green token with soft cloud patterns over one side and the other side had the character— Immortal— plastered on the surface. It can store unending amount of spirit energy of the user, acting as the battery for a spirit master.



Spirit Cores—

1) Mental Energy: Life-Death Spirit Cauldron

2) Physique: Yin-Yang War Physique