
"We'll need Tenzin's and Lin's help to deal with this one."

"Can't the two of us handle it, we could tell Mako and Bolin, and I'm sure they will help so why do you need to ask them for help?"

"Do you remember the gear that the equalists had right?"

"Of course, how can I forget about that, I got electrocuted by it a few times by now."

"We are going to shake things up and put the person who is making and distributing them behind bars."

"Nice, I can't wait to kick some ass."

"Hold your horses. This is a sensitive matter and we need to do this by the book. Who do you think is making and distributing them?"

"Let me think, by the gear they have I think a rich and a well-connected person, ooooh, I get it."

"We need some police officials to handle this since the person we are after is a very influential man."

"I get it! But, who is it?"

"You're not going to like it... It's Hiroshi Sato."


"Calm down, they are in one of the safest places they can be currently. Take a second and think about it. Would Hiroshi do anything to them right now? NO! The public and the police are seeing him as a person that does not discriminate between benders and not benders, his daughter is dating a bender, he would not dare to do anything to them as things stand. This is why we need to tread this very carefully, the moment he sees he's cornered he will make a drastic move, I want to avoid that."

"Ok let's go get Tenzin!"

We went to find the temple and it wasn't very hard, he was meditating by the lake.

"Master Tenzin"

"Oh... Ethan, good evening! I told you there is no need to call me master, you are family, Tenzin is alright. Why are you here?"

"Well I'm going to you something and you probably aren't going to like it."

"Oh, just say it, there is nothing that you can say that will anger me."

"I'm part of the Equalists..."

"Are you joking?"

"Unfortunately not..."

"Oh... WHAT???"

It took us a good half an hour to calm him down and make him listen to us.

"I know you are angry and upset, I will tell you all about it once all of this is done, but until then you just need to trust me."

"Did you know about this?"

"Yes, he told me some time ago."

"Do Nya and Pema know?"

"Nya knows but Pema is still in the dark."

"Good, it's best to keep it that way for now."

"So, Tenzin, can I count on you."

"Hmphhh, Yes... You can. What are you here actually for?"

"I'm here because we need you to talk win the police commissioner."

"With Lin, why?"

"Here is where it gets complicated, I want you to convince her to get a search warrant for Future Industries, Hiroshi Sato in particular."

"Hiroshi Sato? Why?"

"Because he's the one that's been providing the Equalists weapons, and I know where he has a lot of more dangerous weapons."

"I get it! Let's go right now, time is of the essence."

He went inside and made a phone call and then he went out.

"Let's go she is waiting for us."

Tenzin took his glider while I went on a boat with Korra, she used her water bending to make the boat go faster. We arrived at the meeting place in no time.

"Why did you call me, I was about to go home, you know I don't have much free time with those crazy equalists running around the city."

"I'm here to tell you about the person that is making their weapons."

"I know already Cabbage Corp is going to get what's coming to them."

"No, I meant Hiroshi Sato."

"And how do you know that?"

"How do you know about Cabbage Corp?"

"An anonymous tip, you."


"I told him."

"And how do you know that?"

"I'm one of the smartest people in the city and I have connections as well. I got my hands on a pair of gloves and disassembled them. There are make from schematics from Future Industries and after further digging, I found out about a big stash of new weapons that Hiroshi is preparing, dangerous weapons, made against metal benders."

"Ok, you gave me a lot of information but how do I know you aren't lying?"

"Why would I lie? He's my friend's father, do you think I would hurt my friend if I wasn't sure."

"Now, this brings me to my second point, how do you know that she isn't involved?"

"I know her, and I know her father. She is a free spirit, not a mastermind, she truly likes Mako and I know Hiroshi loves Asami with all his heart, he probably is thinking that is doing this for her, he wouldn't put her in danger by telling her this, at least not yet. This is why we need to act fast. And just think about it, he has the motive to do it, and come on, Cabbage Corp? I could build better stuff by eleven, they don't have the technology to make them."

"So you're saying Cabbage Corp has nothing to do with it?"

"Yes, they are being framed. Sure if you go there you will equipment but it's just a setup."

"Ok kid, I'm trusting you because Tenzin seems to trust you. If it turns out to be nothing at all your ass is on the line!"