Air Temple Island(4)

Korra went to see who was the asshole that was in charge of this operation and I went to where the police set up the barrier.

"Officer, what's the problem, those people are clearly not equalists why are they treated like this."

"Chief Ethan! I'm sorry but this isn't something I can speak freely about, I got my orders, all I can do is follow them. What I can tell you is that councilman Tarrlok gave the order."

"Good, at least you are honest and didn't try to feed me a lie. If things go sideways I advise you to not get involved."

"I'm afraid I don't understand sir."

"Let's just say that if things escalate I won't side with the police this time and believe this time I'm more prepared and I will not be as gentle as I was last time. The last time was about being rude, this time is about much more so I would respond in kind."

When I told him this I could see him shaking, every policeman knew that I beat half the station's personnel because I felt a little upset, they didn't want to imagine what would happen if I truly became angry.

I headed back to the rest of my friends and I saw Korra talking with Tarrlok, I got back just as he gave the order to start capturing all the protesters. Things went as you can imagine, the police started to take people into custody, Korra helped those people and we got captured as a result.

They used metal rope to tie me and the others. Unfortunately for them, I had my suit on.

I snap the rope and rush to Tarrlok's side, grabbing him by the neck. Seeing this an officer tries to come and save him, as a response I pull out a gun resembling a desert eagle and shot at the pavement, missing his foot by a few millimeters. This made the others go stiff.

"Let's not do anything rash, no sudden movements, and no bending. This weapon's projectile can piece through a sheet of steel at least. I would like for most of us to go home tonight so please don't upset me any more than I already am."

"Chief Ethan, this is all a misunderstanding, there is no reason to cause a scene."

"Release all of the people you captured and we will talk."

They slowly started to release all of the civilians they captured.

"Ethan, what are you doing?! Why are you holding a councilman captive?!"

"Oh! Hello master Tenzin! It's so good to see you! Currently, I'm a bit busy, can we talk later?"

"We released all of them, now let councilman Tarrok go!"


I threw him into them and then I throw a smoke grenade on the ground taking all of my friends and heading to the car. We got in just as Tenzin started to clear the smoke, and Asami drove us away.

"HAHAHA, That was so fun! I wanted to do that for such a long time!"


"Focus on driving! Believe me when I tell you that I know what I'm doing. The policemen wouldn't endanger the life of such an important person, couple that with my reputation well, I was sure that they wouldn't try anything stupid."

"What if they attacked!? Were you planning to shoot them all!"

"Of course! Don't look at me like that, I wasn't planning to kill them either way, I would have shot someplace where they will only get incapacitated and not killed, I am after all a master chi blocker, I know how to at least do that."

"Only recently you became an honorary police chief, and now you've become a fugitive... Why doesn't this surprise me?"

"Oh, come on Nya, believe me, this is for the better!"

"Guys, I need to go get back..."

Hearing this Asami abruptly stopped the car, nearly causing me to fly out, luckily I used the suit's talons to hold on.

"Why would you want to go back?!"

"We need to sort this out, if we want to beat Amon we need to do it the right way! If we don't then we are no better than him!"

As corny as it sounded she was right, if we wanted things to last when all of this was over we needed to do this out in the open and as much as possible by the book. The two things I dislike most...

Korra hopped off and started to head back.

"Should we follow her?"

"You guys should, I'll disappear for a while, don't worry I can take care of myself."

"You should come as well, I'm sure Korra will solve this!"

"I admire your optimism Bolin and I do not doubt that things will get solved sooner or later, but Korra needs backup and one of us needs to stay back to make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble."

"Stay safe and don't do anything stupid!"

"Have you meet me?"

I kiss her goodbye and I disappear into the shadows of an alley, leaving them to follow Korra. The silver lining of this situation is that I would be able to operate as I would see fit with no one to worry about since all of them were safe inside the police station.

I made my way to the roof of the closest building and I started to follow team Avatar from afar.