Mia woke up the next morning and desided to watch the sun coming up. She made her self a cup of coffee and sat on the bench on the balcony watching the sun as it came up. She was feeling better today but kinda wished people would stop asuming things. She didn't like it and wondered how they would feel if she assumed averything.
She quietly drank her coffee and it wasn't long before Bella laid down next to her. Mia knew she wanted to go out and use the grass but worried the alarm might still be on she desided to wait untill more people were awake. But Bell kept asking to be let out and Mia gave in took Bella's lead and left the appartment.
She walked down the narrow hall way and slowly opened the door as she heard people laughing and talking. Mia was surprised to find Sam wide awake. "Mia how are you feeling this morning?" he asked. "A lot better thank you," Mia siad.
"What brings you down here so early this morning. I hope now one has asked you to do there chorse for them?" Sam asked. Mia smiled and siad, "it's Bella, she's been asking to be let out and i was wondering if the alarm is still on," Mia asked.
"The alarm should be off but your not going out side alone are you?" Sam asked. "Everyone is still sleeping, i was hoping i could find someone aggreeing to take me or at least use the grass close to the base," Mia siad.
"You are to kind, normal poeple would wake up the whole team?" Sam said. "I know but i am not normal. I have never been normal remember," Mia siad.
"Come on, let's let her out then," Sam siad. He stood up and walked with Mia to the door that led to the gras just off the back of the base. After looking around Mia let Bella go and do her business. She looked at the forest around them. Carefully inspecting every tree or bush. If Clara was waching her, she was doing a good job hiding from everyone.
"What is wrong Mia?" Sam asked. "I don't see Clara or anyone waching the base. I wonder if that means they left or if it means they are doing a better job at hiding?" Mia said. "What do you hear?" Sam asked. "Mia closed her eyes and focused on the forest that surounded the base. She heard the birds, singing and in the far distance she heard a truck comming there way.
"There's a truck coming our way," Mai siad. Sam looked around and siad, "they were not sepose to be here already?" Mia looked puzzled and asked, "who is here already?" Mia asked. "A big storm is comming in and we were told to prepare for the worst. Some of the bases has to be evacuted early," Sam siad.
Bella came to Mia in a playfull mood and Mia desided to play with her for a bit but as Mia threw anther stick for Bella to fetch. Mia heard a familiar sound of her mothers truck and for a moment forgot her mother was missing. "What is wrong?" Sam asked. "This is so not fair? Why did they have to use that truck?" Mia asked out loud. "What do you mean?" Sam asked.
"This team is using my moms gear?" Mia said. Sam looked back at the base and asked, "it was to be exspected but how will you handel it?" Mia looked up at the sky and siad, "I am not going to lie to you Sam, it will not be easy but i think i will be okay. After all Sam my team has to prepare for a test that we all agreed uppon taking," Mia said.
"If you have any questions, you will ask me wont you?" Sam asked. "Yes i have been thinking, how do you go uppon getting a drivers licence?" Mia asked.
"Why do you want you?" Sam asked. "If i am going to become a memeber of Clover. I need to stand on my own and i do not want to look like a begger," Mai said.
"I will make you an appointment at a driving school in town but you need a truck to take the test with," Sam siad. "Don't worry i know where my dad's truck is. His personal and private one. I suspect its still where he left it. Thats if no one descovered his plans," Mia siad.
Sam looked puzzled at Mia and asked, "why didn't you tell us sooner?" Sam asked. "Becasue i didn't remeber it untill just now. But dad always has a place prepare ahead of time for us to move to. Sometimes he would scout a new are for months before he desided uppon taking it. When Dad gets in a moving mood he always uses the same location to store our stuff in," Mai said.
"Is it close to us?" Sam asked. "I dont really know where it is but its in the forest behind the northen cross base. There is a forest there and dad uses our property there as a storage location. Only he has never taken me there before," Mia siad.
"That's only a ten minute drive but without knowing the location of the storage space who knows where it is," Sam siad. "Yes but if its close maybe we can use it as a training location for the upcomming test," Mia siad.
"I will talk to Kevin and Mike maybe they know where this location is," Sam siad.
It was not long after Mia went back inside the base. She was busy feeding Bella when Kevin came to her. "You really think your father might have a storage location somewhere close to us?" he asked.
"Yes but mom has only told me about it. I never see the truck unless its to move to a new location," Mia siad.
"Okay, i need to go to the northen cross base today. Why dont you come along maybe we will be lucky and find it quickly," Kevin siad.
Mia got Bella ready for the trip and togehre they drove with Kevin to the northen cross base. Appon parking Mia couldn't help but notice how tall the building was. As she entered the base she saw photo's hanging on the wall and she stopped when she recognized a photo.
It was a photo of her dad and she realise how much she really missed her father. Taking a deep breaht Mia wiped away a single tear that flowed down her cheek. Kevin came to Mia to see what the problem was but stopped when he saw his own brohter. "He has alwasy been a stuborn one," Kevin siad.
Bella laid down on the ground. While they waited for Kevin to finish up with his meating. A lady came in and fell in love with Bella instantly. "Your dog is beautifull, is she in training for search and rescue?" she asked.
Mia looked at Bella and siad, "that is the plan my team and i will be taking a big test but she isn't the only one that will have to pass a test," mia siad. "O is that so, in that case do you want to regester as her owner and handler?" the lady asked.
"Yes please but i think we will have to ask Kevin my uncle for help. I dont have all my information on me," Mia stated.
Kevin is you uncle then your father is John Lizare?" the lady asked. "Yes, he is my fahter and Kevin is my uncle. Why do you ask?" Mia asked. "I am so sorry to hear about there kidnapping how are you taking things?" the lady asked.
"Its can be difficult at times, i was used to seing them daily now i dont even know if i will see them. Thats why i have Bella now, she keeps me busy," Mia said.
"Dogs can be a good thing at times," the lady said. "Do you know anything about a storage unit my dad had in this area. I want to get my drivers licence and i know he had a private truck. I kind of need to use it for the test," Mia asked.
"Well i can help you with that. Your father kept the unit here," the lady siad. "Do you know if i will be allowed to take the truck," Mai asked. "Actually the unit must be emptied so you came at a great time. Let me fetch the keys for the locker and we can open it," the lady siad.
Mia followed the lady down a long line of lockers several of them was small others was really big. The lady came a storage unit that was labeld for the workers to clean out. She unlocked the unit and opened the garge door. Inside Mia saw the familiar truck her family used on special ocasions.