Mia woke up somewhere in the early hours of the morning. She looked at Magic and realised something was wrong. She focused on her hearing and heard a voice in the distance calling for help. Mia got dressed and with Magic, at her side, she went to find who ever it is that's calling for help.
The moment she opened her bedroom door she could smell smoke coming from the direction of the kitchen. Mia followed the scent of smoked and found the kitchen engulfed in flames. With a very faint voice on the inside calling for help.
Mia went down to Magic and said, "stay here."
Mia looked up to see the water sprinkler system and wondered why it wasn't spraying water with all this smoke in the palace. She walked to the fire alarm system and pulled the alarm. A bell started going off alerting everyone that there was a fire. Mia opened the kitchen door and smoke rushed from the kitchen into the hallway behind her.