Mia sat in her bedroom at the table drawing a picture. She could hear the wind blowing against the windows of the palace, picking up rocks and blowing them against her bedroom windows. A knock on the bedroom door brought her out of her thought, looking up she saw Daisy letting Liana into her room.
"I will go and get you some coffee in the kitchen," Daisy said and left the room. Liana looked at the drawing Mia was busy with and said, "this drawing of your parents, it's really pretty."
"Thanks, I dont know why I keep drawing them. Maybe because I am afraid of forgetting them," Mia replied.
"You have a wonderful talent Mai," Liana said.
"Thanks," Mai replied.
The magic started to bark and Mia looked out of the window. In the distance, she saw a big black truck approaching the palace. Closing her eyes she focused and realised these trucks belong to Eternia.
"What has gotten into her?" Liana asked.