The old man started to laugh and said, "train and grow, it's all you can do. Become someone that demands respect you are a princess after all." Mia looked at the man and said, "I dont understand?"
"Train and work hard Mia, If you are a valuable member they will have to accept your decision. Create something that they need, that is why we are known as legends. We all had the challenge to overcome at some point in our lives," the old man said.
Mia looked at her two dogs and said, "I could use the training but where can I train?" Mia asked.
"Train anywhere you find your feet. Dont let anyone stop you," the old man said.
Mia turned in for the night but she found she was unable to get some sleep. The next day Mia overslept and was awoken by a knock on the window of her truck. "Mam we are going to have to ask you to leave," a voice came.