The next morning Mia got up and found May was already out of the house. Playing outside in the garden with her teacher. Sitting at the table Mia drank her coffee quietly thinking of the future. A knock on the door brought Mia's thoughts back to earth. She answered the door and found Leo's uncle was standing there.
"Mia I was hoping you would be up already," he said.
"What can I do for you?" Mia asked.
"Well I was wondering if we could talk about May's future?" he asked.
"I was wondering when this conversation was going to come up. I heard Leena's expecting again. I know I need to be happy but I feel like Leo is throwing May to the wolves. I need to think about what is best for her but right now I dont know what that is," Mia said.
"So you have heard?" the doctor said.