Getting people there

Ning still couldn't understand what the system was saying. How could time move fast and yet not? He had a hard time conceptualizing it. 

"Sorry, can you explain in a clearer way? I still don't get it," Ning said. If time really was moving at 13 times the speed, he should have noticed many day and night cycles, which he wasn't. 

"Wait, so it had something to do with my perception then?" Ning asked.

"Hmm, I think I understand what you mean… in a sense," Ning said. "So, 1 day in here is 1 day outside, but I will age by about 12 more days if I stay in here, right?"

"Sigh, I will have to warm them then. I don't want them aging faster just to negate the years they get by breaking through here," Ning said.