The Play

Ning dressed up in his new suit and walked out of his room. He felt weird wearing something so tight that he felt like his whole body was being constrained from the outside, but he had to go with what the society wore if he wanted to fit in. 

Although, He didn't like the idea of wearing a hat, so he wore nothing on his head. Once he was ready, he went down the elevator and exited the hotel.

Today was the day for the theater play that he was looking forward to for 3 days now. 

The theater wasn't that far away, so Ning reached the place in under 5 minutes. He met Reever and Lisa outside the theatre and went in together. 

The inside of the theater looked magnificent. Multiple bulbs lit up the inside while a cool breeze circulated throughout the hall prior to even entering the theater room. 

"Let's go find out seats," Reever said and walked in with Lisa. Ning followed behind and walked with them as well.