Mercy's Defeat

As soon as Merasi left to speak with the lord, Mercy jumped on Ning and started pestering him to fight against her.

Ning tried to refuse, but the pestering got too much, and in the end, he accepted.

Mercy quickly dragged him to an empty area with a padded floor, perfect for fighting.

Alekor casually followed them, while Silvers was quite interested in the fight.

"Hey, Alekor! How strong is he?" Silvers asked slowly. His vision changed slightly, trying to see the amount of Aether in Ning's body.

"Oh, he's actually very strong," Alekor said. "He may actually be an Aether Emperor."

"What?" Silvers said in shock. He then immediately lowered his voice once more. "Aether Emperor? He's as strong as me and Mercy?" 

"Yes, although not very surprisingly," Alekor said.

"Hmm, why is it not surprising?" Silvers asked.