Part 10 - Who ordered sushi? 3/??

- Luffy? - only could pronounce Nojiko, watching Nami with wide eyes.

- Monkey D. Luffy, to be precise, - the girl explained. - Captain of the Straw Hats. My captain.

- The Straw Hats? So you're wearing a straw hat on your back because of this?


Indeed, over Nami's luxurious hair dangled an old, badly tattered straw hat. The hat was held on a black tie around Nami's neck.

- What? Hat? Oh, you mean it ... - the girl, putting her hand behind her back, looked at it, and then put it on her head. - No, this is my captain's hat. He gave it to me as a talisman, as well as a reminder of who I now belong to. And she also acts as a kind of visual confirmation of my leadership. As long as I have this hat, I can freely give orders to a monster of a so big caliber, that you cannot even imagine. And two more of his students. But do not bother about it yet, soon you will understand everything yourself, - Nami smiled like an innocent angel when she noticed a completely indescribable expression on her older sister's face.

The ability to fuck the brains of the interlocutor is one of the most important skills carefully cultivated by Luffy in every member of his family. And they all loved to use this skill. Except for Zoro. On the other hand, he would probably love too, but the sad problem is, that to use this skill, one more person was required. Moreover, the second person not only had to at least occasionally insert his own remarks, but also not try to constantly collapse into a swoon from fear or just beg to keep him alive. Oh, yes, this second person must be alive - and not in a deep swoon! - because you can't fuck the brains of a dead man - he doesn't care. It is only natural that Zoro always had difficulties with all of the above criteria. People, in the presence of the green-haired swordsman, if they did not immediately faint - or did not die from one of his swords - usually either did not understand much from horror, or were simply ready to agree with everything he said. In such conditions, fucking people's brains is very problematic.

At that moment, Nojiko, completely disoriented by Nami's answers, tried to sit on the nearest chair, and almost rattled to the floor when it was revealed that there was a silver case on the chair. Nojiko had never seen one like this in her life.

- What is it? - She asked involuntarily.

- It? - turning around from the stove, asked Nami. - You mean the case? It's all Luffy. Something did not please him with black suitcases, so he spent almost thirty million to order just such cases for all our money. I have no idea what this is about, but Luffy was completely unshakable when he said that money in silver cases looks much cooler than in black suitcases. As for me, they look pretty good in black suitcases. Although I will not argue, I like the silver cases better. They look stylish, don't they?

Nojiko had a hard time isolating the most important thing, from all that had been said - there was money in the silver case.

- Is this ... um ... your last prey? - Nojiko asked uncertainly.

- Not really, - putting the wooden spatula aside, with which she had been stirring the onion second earlier, and removing the frying pan from the stove, Nami went up to her sister. - Remembering how much gold I brought into my cache, I thought it would be problematic to drag something so voluminous to Arlong, therefore, with Luffy's permission, I took the entire amount from him at once. - At this point, the girl took the case from the chair and, putting it on the table, clicked the locks and, lifting the lid and showing Nojiko the contents: - Exactly one hundred million, not a belly more or less. Straight from the bank, and in the largest bills. There are thirty-six packs here, each pack just under three million.

Nojiko could only stand silently, staring at such a frenzied amount of money.

- Where… where did you get them from ?! - the crazy look of the girl moved to Nami, who was getting much more pleasure from everything that was happening than she should have. To make matters worse, the girl herself knew very well about this, but it did not even occur to her to stop. Nami blamed Luffy for everything. And it is not unreasonable. Luffy was always to blame for something, and even more so in this particular case.

- I already said, - Nami said patiently, as if she was talking to an unreasonable child, and not to her older sister. - I took this money from Luffy.

- Who is this Luffy of yours ?! - In the end, Nojiko could not resist, breaking into a scream.

- I've already told you, - Nami replied again in a patient tone. - Monkey D Luffy. Captain of the Straw Hats. My captain. And he is one of those people who consider themselves to be really poor if they don't have at least a few hundred million bellies at their fingertips.

Nojiko finally sank exhausted into the chair she had freed from her briefcase. Just a five-minute conversation with her little sister left the girl as emaciated as she was not exhausted by a full day's work on the farm. And the day has just begun.

- So… so now you have all one hundred million, right? - After a couple of minutes of silence, asked Nojiko.

- Yes - Nami nodded from the stove.

- I mean… I mean, you can buy out our village now, right?

- Yes - Nami nodded again.

Nojiko knew for sure that at that moment she had to jump for happiness ... but for some reason she didn't want to jump at all. Moreover, despite the fact that the money was literally in front of her nose - Nami never closed the case - Nojiko strongly doubted their reality. Frankly, the girl has already seriously begun to doubt the reality of everything that is happening, and not just money. Maybe, on the way from Belmere-san, she stumbled somewhere and kissed her head well on something? Delusional visions - this would immediately explain why she could not understand anything.

- So ... are you going to pay Arlong today? - Nojiko finally asked.

- Maybe - Nami replied evasively.

- Maybe?

- The fact is that I already visited Arlong, and told him that I had collected the entire necessary amount. Promised to bring money in the evening. Now I'm waiting for his move.

- His move?

No, seriously, Nojiko was getting more and more the impression that her little sister, despite the words she was familiar with, spoke in some completely different language. In the end, how else can one explain the fact that she could only ask stupidly, although she previously understood Nami perfectly. What's a half-word there? We didn't even need to say anything before, and Nojiko already knew perfectly well not only what her little sister wanted to say out loud, but also what she would prefer to leave unsaid. And now Nojiko didn't understand her sister even when she spoke out loud.

- The fact is that I strongly doubt the word given by Arlong, - meanwhile, Nami answered completely carefree.

There were not many things in the world that could bring Nojiko's focus back even faster than the words Nami spoke.


Yay!! I'm back, and hope that I'll not go anywhere soon

Thanks for reading, check my other works and have fun