(Epilogue) The Silent Ticks of a Clock

Everything is white like the freshly fallen snow in mid-winter. Sometimes I wonder what color would pop out of this white dream. But nothing ever pops out of here to there. Its always the same old same old. There are times where I think I see color but its only a flash of my past. Who knew my past was filled with colors. I should've enjoyed them while they lasted.

My hands and legs feels tired. My whole body is giving up. I want to sleep. The ground is soft. Am I tired or is my body giving up?

Unfortunately for me, I was just tired. I don't know how long I slept for but it felt like forever. Everything is still white. I can only see the color of my hands. They seem to blending into the white again.

Do you hear something? It sounds like metals clanking with each other. What's happening. Is the wall moving? Color? Color starts to pour into the room but there is still white covering up the color. I want the colors. Please… I need to see if these are real colors but most importantly I want to know if it living. I try to reach out to it but the colors pull away. They ask me something. I can't understand. What are they saying?

Ow. They injected me with something. I try to grab them. I now know that they're real. The colors quickly leave the white dream. The thing they injected in me is taking a toll on my eyes. The white dream is no longer the bright and blinding white I had previously saw. The white dream slowly started to fading into a dirty white color. The pure white snow was gone. Replaced by the tainted muddy snow of reality.

Where am I? Who am I? What's happening to me?

The dull white room is extremely quiet. I can't hear anything but the ringing in my ears. I sit there in silence, wait for something. I don't know what I am waiting for but I know that something is about to come.

The silence continues to devour me. I start to hear sounds. I look around for those sounds but just as I started the search, the sound promptly leaves. I wish I could hear something organic again. Something that is real not the sound of ringing in my ears. Or the muffled pounds near one side of the room. Why do I deserve such a fate?

Again. Do you hear those synthetic nosies? They're trying to distract me. I know that they're out there to harm me. These nosies…disturbing yet oddly satisfying. I wish I had a clock with me, so I would be able to know how close I was to my death time.

I love the sound of a ticking clock but there is no clock here. I know time is passing by but I don't know how much time is slipping by me. It's as if I'm being blindfold and asked to search for the missing time in a room with no time.

Look the walls are moving again. This time the colors cloaked in white have something in their hands. Something colorful. They continue to ask me questions but I only focus on the item in their hands. I can't make out what it is but I see something that's bright red. The other colors are blurred and I only notice the red. The red calls out to me. I need that red thing. I try to grab it out of their hands but their movements are much more faster than mine. I lunge at them but Im injected with something again. I feel myself calming down. The colors quickly leave when I start dozing off.

I had a strange dream that day. A vision of me in a wooden chair with something on my head. The colors cloaked in white were writing something down and discussing among themselves. I scream for them to look over but they ignore my horrendous yells of help. Soon they get closer to me asking me something I don't understand. Then a stinging pain starts to form behind my eyes. I yell out in pain but the sound around me is still like . I can still hear the silent ticks coming from a nearby clock. It only worsens the pain I feel now.