Learning and training Part 2

The mind or more specifically the knowledge of the mind. However before I can get into that let's just review what I had for now. Over the course of the last two weeks I experimented with my powers and martial arts and came across a few discoveries. With martial arts it was the easiest thing to learn. Since I have no muscle pains or normal biological systems I could replicate any of the martial on the first try.

However, this is just for stances and combat techniques that pay no attention to physical fitness. The upside of being an existence of consciousness is that my mind is an AI and my body is a machine. I could run simulations within my head and perfect them to the point as if I trained for years.

Though there were two major problems when I trained the first being that the majority of martial arts need a biological body to utilize fully and while I do have some biological capabilities my strength is decided by my consciousness. If I were to have a status screen all my stats would show N/A. My strongest punch would have the pressure of around a feather or a white dwarf, the last part being theoretical. Key word being around, my strength could always be more than what I intend or less. I also feel like this might increase in the future.

The second problem of me being unable to do martial arts is… I'M 87 FEET TALL!!!! I just noticed all the cracks on the ground from when I jumped, luckily the Pebbles were okay, and I saw Pearl get up from the ground because of the tremors. The only thing my size would be White, Blue, Yellow, or any machines that I may come across or make. With that in mind I just focused on making martial arts that just use my hands.

Why? So that someday if someone were to attack me I can block or counter attack with just my hand. I would then be able to say "Ho, you dare to approach me when you can't even make me move?". Yup I'm a weeb all right.

Getting off of that my powers had the most development. I quickly went from forming shapes to making constructs similar to green lantern. I also found out that I can instill my will into physical objects and manipulate their very molecules and structure. How does this connect to the mind? You see, one of the reasons is that I gain all knowledge on the thing I instill my will into and the second was from the result of an experiment.

Using the show as a reference I realized that each Diamond had a power that allowed them to have some form of control or power over other Gems.

Blue's power was emotions and she could change the feelings of other Gems, she was also considerably more emotional compared to Yellow and White.

Yellow had the control over the physical body and could destabilize or change the forms of other Gems. She was more headstrong compared to the other Diamond and had more interest towards things considered physical or war related.

White could control and impose her will on other Gems and make them act as the way she intended them to be and vice versa. She was more controlling and obsessed with perfection and saw that all colours in the spectrum are seen through her.

I had to guess for Pink but she had more auxiliary powers compared to the other Diamond and was more destructive than them. Using Steven as a reference, she was more sociable compared to the other Diamond and had an easier time connecting to others on an emotional level.

They each had their own things in common with one another, but each of their powers revolved around interacting and influencing other Gems. So using that as a reference I tried expanding my will into Pearl.

Flash back:

"Hey Pearl, would you mind if I try something on you? I promise it won't hurt."

With her eyes closed Pearl responds with the usual "Of course my Diamond". Still too much to look at my face huh. The curse of beauty that I must bare *Inner crying voice with a smug smile*.

I went on one knee and put my finger near her chest and began to flow my power through her. Black tentacle like tendrils began to spread across her clothing and skin. I closed my eyes and felt myself descend into a black tunnel that quickly turned into a turquoise colour.

I saw a white light and found myself on a beach with a with endless ocean on one side and endless sand on the other if not for the grey Pearl standing there with her eyes closed. I began to approach her and just when I was about to touch her she opened her eyes.

As they opened I saw information about her, memories of Pearl that she witnessed or actively remembers. I saw the reef and the memories she had with me. Her thoughts and emotions were also in here as well and I felt as though I can alter them slightly. So for now I alter her emotions when she looks at my face, she still feels the same feeling of embarrassment and entrapment but it won't interfere with her speech like it normally does. Sort of like giving her a form of gamers mind.

I then willed myself to exit and found myself in my body. I mean I always felt my body and I had the same feeling of moving my body so I could disconnect when I wanted or needed to. This brings me back to the present.

End of flashback

As I stood back up I can see Pearl open her eyes as the black tendrils gradually fade from her body. She looked at me and spoke with a slight bow.

"Thank you my Diamond, I feel different but in a good way."

"Sorry Pearl, I altered your mental state to make it stronger. I noticed how you always seem embarrassed whenever you look at my face and I thought that may interfere with our relationship."

She quickly stammers

"My-my Diamond please! There is no reason for you to apologize, if anything I should apologize for causing you discomfort."

I might as well tease her a bit.

"Then I'll take your embarrassment as compensation. It was quite adorable seeing you."

In response all she did was give a stuttering yes my Diamond and looked down with blush on her cheeks. Good thing I didn't stop her emotions. She is adorable, like the pebbles as well whenever I see them taking what they think to be a sneaking glances at my face.

The good thing is I found out my power, altering a gems state of mind and accessing knowledge on a higher spiritual level. A certain type of protagonist dream