New Diamonds PT.1

Startled by the explosion, White and I looked down from the platform and saw in place of the once sturdy and powerful mountain was a massive crater with multiple debris scattered about with rock dust still settling about. White then spoke with an enthusiastic demeanor, like a parent when a child takes its first steps.

"Well!! Well!! This one is certainly a fighter, don't you think Black?"

She turns to me and I let out a small chuckle before agreeing.

"She knows how to make an entrance."

My forming was not as dramatic as that *teary sad face*, from what White told me when I formed multiple cracks formed across the planet originating from my spot. If my entrance was like an anime gangster boss making his way across the room and everyone acknowledges him but is too scared to move (the chuunibyou is strong with this one *strokes theoretical beard*), then Yellow's is like a lion announcing his arrival with a roar.

Speaking of Yellow, the platform lowered down on the ground and we saw a yellow tinted figure of light take shape and a yellow diamond shaped gem at the centre of her chest. Her clothing formed and the light faded from her figure and I could see her for how she was.

She was around 82 feet with light yellow skin ,black markings around her eyes, dark yellow eyeshadow, bright yellow eyes with diamond-shaped pupils with black eyebrows, and short, helmet-like bob yellow hair with two spiked tips. She is wearing a dark yellow and olive bodysuit, a yellow coat that reaches her knees with enormous shoulder pads and a cutout for her gemstone, yellow gloves, and olive-yellow, high-heeled boots.

She floated in the air with her eyes closed for a few moments before she not so gently fell to the ground on all fours. She was gasping and she seemed to be disoriented, I was about to step down but White put her hand on my shoulder.

"Let her adjust by herself first, we both know she is a fighter." She indicates to the surroundings. "So let her take her first steps."

About half of what she just said actually makes sense, as Gems we are formed to be fully functioning at day one and a Diamond should be no exception. However, all ideals have flaws when faced in reality and I'm going to exploit them.

"You have a point, but we can be there for her at the end of the road."

White just looks at me before relenting after taking a long blink with her eyes and letting go of my shoulder. We both stepped off of the platform and it dissipated into light particles as we made our way to Yellow. We stood a few feet away from her as she continued to gasp for air for a few minutes before she finally oriented herself and began to speak with her head still down.

"Black, White, I'm sorry for the delay."

Isn't she a trooper? Apologising to us seconds after her forming, I wonder what she looks like when she is embarrassed. Was I a perv (person of culture) in my last life? Anyway, I crouched down and put my hand on her shoulder and this action drew her attention and caused her to look up and see both me and White for the first time.

However when she looked at me her face quickly filled with a dark yellow blush as she lost herself in my face. I guess that answers that question and with that small satisfaction fulfilled I spoke in a soft tone with a smile on my lips.

"It's okay Yellow. You can take your time, we can afford it."

With the blush still on her face she absentmindedly nodded and I helped her up to her feet and held onto her to keep her steady and she then greeted White.

"Hello White, sorry for not greeting you sooner."

White did her signature smile and cupped Yellow's face with her hand and spoke.

"No need for that Yellow, we have all the time in the universe so take as much time as you need."

It was a nice, I guess you could call it a family moment, all of us together with my arms around Yellow holding her, White holding her cheek, and Yellow still having a blush on her face from both me and White. It would have been considered normal if it wasn't for the rock dust, debris, and the ground slowly crumbling around us.

White then broke the moment by pulling away and stated in an excited voice with her arms raised.

"Come now! We must leave because two of our other siblings are waiting for us!!"

She then creates a platform for us to step on and as we make our way to it, not before I check one thing. I use my Diamond mind to increase my perception and expand my senses, sort of like haki, and search for a few minutes before I finally find what I am looking for.

I could sense it, the planetary will. It didn't get consumed by Yellow like with me and I could still see the souls that it created. However, I couldn't reach out to it no matter what I tried, probably a good thing too seeing as how this will seem much harder to devour.

What did this mean? Firstly, as my powers grow and expand I might be able to devour planetary will in the future, but they would most likely not go down without a fight. I could probably devour the Fallen's planet will because I was at its core. Secondly, my powers are unique to me so Yellow probably couldn't devour the will and the same could be said about other Gems.

So I guess I have to put this idea on the shelf for now and so I bring myself back to reality and all three Diamonds board the torso ship. As we made our way to the second planet I tried to speak to Yellow.

I went behind her and wrapped my hand around her shoulder, she looked surprised and as she turned to look at me I could see a faint blush on her cheeks, but not as apparent as before. Is this a Diamonds mentality? I mean White never had this reaction so I guess she would build up resistance to my heavenly looks over time.*Villainess Hohohoho*

"Hey are you doing okay? Do you need some time to catch up on everything?"

"I-I'm fine Black, thank you. I'm just.. experiencing everything, the Homeworld juice helped me to catch up on the current state of affairs."

Must be why she knows who I am.

"But it's still all so new."

She says and looks out to the stars currently passing by in the warp, seemingly lost in thought. Makes sense, she is a baby in an adult body if you think about it, good thing that makes me the onee-chan. I slightly grasp her shoulder.

"It's okay. Like White said 'we have all the time in the universe' to figure ourselves out. You won't be alone either, if you need anything you can count on us."

Especially me, for I am the oldest one after White who could be considered our mother but is not seen as such. I have to be there for Blue, Yellow, Pink, and even White. I don't know why this is. The moment I met Yellow I felt a connection to her I can't explain, not by Diamonds, but something else in the same way as White.

I… will try to save them, all of them because deep down I think that the moment that I met them or will meet them soon I…

"Okay Black and thank you. I will be sure to count on you."

Yellow interrupts my thought with her blush getting slightly deeper at the last part. Now this is something that hasn't happened before, especially with my Diamond mind. This is of course referring to my internal mind powers which I'm guessing is being slowed down by my emotions.

The fallen were right, mental powers are stupid and with that thought we exited the warp and came across a blue, oceanic planet.

Now… Who's that Poke…*ahem* Diamond!?!