"Prepare the orbiting sequence"
Pearl nodded before she sent the orders through her bracelet and I heard the collective chatter of the Gems working the ship as we began to orbit the surface of the moon. A labradorite with her Gem on in place of her right eye entered the room from behind me and waited for me with her eyes closed.
"What is the status of the planet?" I asked and acknowledged the Labradorite that came in and who then spoke in a plain, emotionless tone while doing a Diamond salute.
"My Gracious Diamond, I report the planet has developed to the point of 0.54 by ___ standards(A/N: or the Kardashev Scale that measures civilizational development, we are currently 0.73) and is ruled by a species called Ethirons. The species themselves can manipulate different forms of elemental energy unique to their environments and receive benefits as well. This in turn has slowed down their technological and social development, but they have developed their traits to the point of being a dangerous force."
"I'm curious, what would you suggest?"
"M-my Diamond?" Her tone showed hesitancy while her body remained neutral, like a painting.
"I'm wondering, so entertain this whim of mine."
"Of course my most benevolent Diamond. I would suggest we make use of our superior technology of the ship to eliminate all major powers, weapons, and threats. We should then begin the colonization process of the planet and use ground troops to deal with any resistance that should come and sweep away survivors."
There was a silence that permeated the room as the Labradorite began sweating, no doubt thinking she must have offended me in some way and did not have the courage to speak again. I proceeded to break the silence as she stared at me in worshiping eyes..er or eye.
"It was a well thought out response." She relaxes and a small smile begins to form on her face as I continue. "However, there is one thing you didn't consider." Her smile stopped and receded before she asked me in her previous neutral tone and bowed slightly.
"Apologies my Diamond, I do not understand what I have missed?"
"Opportunity?" She looks up and has a slightly confused expression on her face.
"This planet is a gem hidden in the vast expanse of space. It is relatively young so there are more than enough resources for development, the society while having potential is primitive, and is close enough to Homeworld territory it would be easily conquered."
"I'm afraid I still do not understand my Diamond, would this not be easy for us then?"
"Yes, but it won't always be."
Labradorite just stares at me in curiosity and I feel Pearl look at me in a knowing way.
"There are species, alliances, and forces out in the universe and they won't be easily conquered like this planet. So we should make use of this to give our troops more experience."
Labradorite suddenly had a knowing/eureka look on her face as she understood my demands.
"Thank you my most Gracious Diamond for explaining your vast plans to me, what should our next course of action be?"
"Go with the standard 'contact' plan and send in the first batch of troops and teams."
"Yes my Diamond." She proceeded to bow and walked away while I stared into space while simultaneously moving my hands that began inputting my orders to send to the command hub.
A lot of people are going to die aren't they? I just ordered my army to do a slow genocide of the entire planet in the name of experience. I'll most likely do the worst things to other forms of life and be hailed as a god queen by Gem kind.
I'm a monster aren't I?
Over the past few years I lived the lives of countless maniacs, murders, and psychopaths who experienced so much hardship that their souls were able to remember even after so long. The worst part is…
I don't feel guilty about it.