
Sorry for the late chapter.


"Congratulations my Diamond, three for three." Said EDA with a tone full of joy in her voice.

It's been an entire decade since the 'avatar' world was colonized and let me tell you it was quite the sight. Towering crystal structures that serve to connect the planet to the Homeworld network, which thanks to my additions can only be heard with a Gem's ear, pure blue seas, cloudless atmosphere.

You wouldn't think it was a dying planet.

Because ironically, the formation of Gems doesn't produce any pollution but instead kills the planet by taking their resources from the soil. Gem technology is completely clean, probably one of the only races in the universe that have a minimal carbon footprint if any at all. Again, ironic.

I'm currently on the galaxy warp on my latest planet with Pearl sitting on one of EDA's invisible arms and scrolling through a holographic tablet. The Galaxy Warp is located atop a large plateau, surrounded by the endless sea and numerous smaller islands in the middle of nowhere thousands of miles from land. Six massive crystalline rock formations surround the perimeter of the summit, which houses sixteen individual Warp Pads arranged in a crop circle-like pattern.

White sent the plans over to me when I began colonizing 'avatar' planet, she and a team of Peridots drew the plans up around the time of my younger sisters birth. I guess that it's needed due to the fact that there isn't a single monarch.

After every colonization I made sure to visit Pink and the other Diamonds whenever I could and if I didn't I'd make the time. I'm an intergalactic ruler, people move around my schedule, never the other way around.

So yeah three for three? I know what you're thinking, but when EDA said that, she meant three solar systems. With only seven planets of which actually held any sentient life while the rest were just farming planets (by Gem standards).

It's a lot I know, I think in the show Blue had around 9 planets while here she has three solar systems. I guess this is an AU or it could be how it works in real life as a Gem's definition of "habitable" planets largely varies to that of organic organisms.

Planets that could sustain organic life have a wider variety of nutrients to make Gems while others could lead more into one direction, like hot places being good for Rubies, cold for Sapphires, tougher rocks for Quartz types Gems. Etc.

That being said most planets weren't good enough for long term use and are used as smaller bases, research centres, guard towers (planets) for the solar system, housing recreational structures, and the like.

So I have 7 actual colonies but thanks to utilizing the entirety of the solar system they are virtually impenetrable and function as one huge colony. The smaller planets also had Kindergartens but not on the scale as the main colonies. Blue has 5 colonies and 4 solar systems, Yellow 7 colonies and 5 solar systems, and White has 10 colonies and 7 solar systems.

For White most of the Kindergartens weren't used yet so no loss of resources there and most of the time was spent supervising the planet takeover process.

"Thank you EDA." I spoke out to my invisible Guardian. "I think I'll take a little break before I head into Alliance space." Pearl agreed.

"Yes my Dia-" I made a pointed stare at her and she continued in a stuttering, grey beat blush. "Yes B-B-B-Black, th-th-that would be a good idea since it will most likely be time consuming dealing with Alliance fleet." She is hiding behind her holo screen now.

I insisted that she call me Black in private, but for some reason in doing so she became a stuttering mess like she was when she first saw my face. Might have been a slight oversight in the mind reprogramming I did a while back. I could fix it like before.

I could...

Or I could bully her.

"Then let's be off." I spoke suddenly and before Pearl could get her bearings I connected to the warp with my mind and a bluish white light flashed around us and we were off.

As I floated in the white warp, with Pearl clinging onto EDA's arm, I thought of the Alliance. The collection of different interstellar species that banded together in order to explore space and resist hostile threats. Like Star Fleet with no humans, but you get the idea.

We, the Gem empire, are the demons of this isekai while they are everyone else, so naturally they wish for our race to follow in the genocide route.

I don't blame them since we have already committed such atrocities and will undoubtedly commit more, myself in particular, but we have more "guns".

The light flashed out of existence and I saw Pink waiting out with a basket of her sized fruits, she was so excited that she jumped up and hugged me at chin, her face just below the corner of my chin and began speaking rapidly.

"Your back! Did you miss me? What planets did you see? Can I visit? How…" She went on and on.

As I patiently answered her every question I couldn't help to think of what new and possibly amalgamated universe I will travel.

??? P.O.V

A young man with white hair wearing a red blindfold, a medieval brown shirt, white pants, black boots, and sword with a rugged handle strapped to his waist can be seen walking down a lavishly decorated hallway. All maids he passed by showed him a disdainful look and despite how he navigates the hallway flawlessly with a blind fold on he seems ignorant to their looks.

The fact that he can see can be shown by how he stopped to greet a lavishly dressed blond haired individual with green eyes. The man himself has his arm around another woman, shamelessly groping her breast in the process. The women in this situation however, shows strained content on her neutral smiling face.

"Hey, if it isn't the bloody general." The blond haired man greeted in a mocking tone.

"Your highness." The white haired man ignored it, his respectful voice showing his acceptance of the status quo. The blond haired man continued.

"Mind telling me why you're here."

"Your highness, I'm just here to report to his majesty about the armies success in the front."

"Oh really." The man stated in a shocked tone. "Then why are here wasting time talking to me! I have better things to do and my father does as well, so tell me why are you making him lose precious time!" He scolded.

"Apologies, your highne-" He was interrupted by a slap to the face by the blond haired man.

"Don't let it happen again, or otherwise as a leader your squadron may need to be disciplined since they are likely to follow your behaviour." The bastard threatened.

"Yes, your majesty." The white haired man bowed and continued respectfully, the mark from the slap already fading away. "May I be excused?"

The bastard in response just waved his hand and walked away.

The maid and other servants watched this exchange in amusement and disdain, while continuing to make mocking looks at the white haired man as he silently walked down the corridor.

He continued without incident towards a wooden oak wood carved door and signaled the guard who went into the room to announce.

"Your majesty the general..."