
Piper's POV

I woke up with a headache. I feel like my head is going to explode.

I look at the clock. Wow! It's 11 am in the morning.

Alex, is not in bed anymore she's probably outside with, Nicky.

I got up and went to the bathroom to pee. God! This hang over. I hate this.

I wash my face and brushed my teeth. I don't remember changing my clothes last night. I am so wasted.

I prepared myself for Alex's wrath. She was so pissed at me last night. I went to the door, closed my eyes and take a deep breath.

I opened our bedroom door and call for her.

"Alex?". I said nervously.

"Morning, Chapman". Nicky, called from the sofa.

I trudged to the living room and peeked to see if Alex, is with her.

Nicky, is laying on the sofa and watching Netflix on the Tv alone.

"Where's Alex?".

"She left this morning". She said without looking up.

"Huh!" I breath a little. I am so nervous and I wonder where Alex, would go.

"Where did she go?". I asked Nicky.

"No, idea". She responded.

"She didn't tell you where she's going?". I inquire.

"Technically, I didn't saw her leave. When I woke up this morning I went outside and her car wasn't there".

That's weird and out of character for Alex, to leave without saying where she's going. I went back to my room and checked my phone. Maybe she sent me a text.

Nothing. She didn't left me any messages. This is not good. She was so mad at me last night for meeting up with Zelda and coming home late drunk. I had this bad feeling so I went to her closet to check if her clothes are still there.

I was so relieved. All her clothes are still here.

I sent her a text message.

Me: Alex, where are you? Please text me. I'm worried and I'm sorry about last night.

I went outside and make myself a coffee. My head is still pounding.

I walk to the living room and sit beside, Nicky.

"Do you think Alex, is still mad me"? I asked her.

"She was very upset last night. She's been worried sick about you.

Damn, Chapman! Don't ever do that again. I don't think I ever saw her cry before". She recount.

"She was crying?". I feel so guilty.

"She was devastated. I can't calm her down".

I have to apologize to my wife.

I need to know where, Alex is right now. I'm starting to get worried. I grab my phone and call her.

She's not answering her phone. Damn it! I dialed again. Still nothing. My head is still pounding and I can focus.

I decided to take a shower. The warm water feels nice on my skin. I feel a little bit better after my shower.

"Piper, come outside I ordered pizza for lunch". Nicky shouted outside my bedroom door.

It's almost 1 pm and I haven't heard from Alex yet. I keep checking my phone. I decided to call her one more time.

It went straight to voicemail.

Alex, I'm worried. Please call me.

I went outside. Nicky is still in the living room eating pizza. I sit beside her and grab a slice.

She noticed that I keep looking at my phone.

"You okay? Worried about Alex?". She inquired.

"Yes, I left her a text message and a voicemail. I think she's ignoring me".

I understand how Alex, felt now. I'm starting to get anxious and worried about her.

"What if she did something stupid?".

"Oh come on. Alex, is not that suicidal. Can you two stop overthinking". She expressed.

"Maybe she just want to be left alone. Just give her some space".

Nicky, is right. I should give her some space. After eating lunch I decided to take a nap.

I woke up at around 4pm. I checked my phone and I still have no text from, Alex.

I got up to go outside and when I open the door I heard Alex's voice.

"That one looks good on you. Hmmmm Okay, now try this other one". She sound excited.

"Oh, Vause. Stop making me your guinea pig. You know I hate dressing up". Nicky complained.

"You are not my guinea pig. I bought this for you. So stop complaining". She insisted.

I walk to the living room and there was a lot of shopping bags.

"Alex?". I called for her.

"Hey, Pipes. Come over here I got something for you". She grab some bags and handed it to me.

This is weird. I thought she's mad at me and Alex, hate shopping. I can't handle this. I have to talk to her.

"Babe, can I talk to you outside for a sec?". I pleaded.

"Okay". She stood up.

"I saw that. Pick that up Nichols!". She scolded Nicky.

She threw one of the clothes Alex, bought for her under the sofa.

I open the glass door and Alex, following behind me.

"Hey, I am really sorry about last night. I know I got you so worried. But Alex, believe me I wasn't doing anything wrong with Zelda. We were just catching up and we had dinner and I drank too much wine. I wasn't supposed to stay that late. But I lost track of time. I'm not cheating on you, Alex. I swear". I explained.

"I know, Pipes. I wasn't worried that you're cheating on me. I trust you.

I was upset because you didn't call me and let me know where you've been. I thought something bad happened to you".

"I'm very sorry Al, I promise it won't happen again".

"Better not or I'm going to beat your ass". She said playfully.

I lean closer to Alex, and I kissed her. I put my hand on her waist and pull her closer to me.

"I am really sorry, babe". I apologized again.

"Come on, I bought you something. You have to try it on".

"You went shopping? That's new". I said surprised.