Twenty: Rock, Paper, Scissors



Haneul and her group starts their performance with Haneul doing a front flip that the moment she landed, the group starts moving and doing their parts. Everyone watching was startled by Haneul doing a flip all of a sudden at the beginning since they don't see girls doing flips like she did. The sevens and everyone else were yelling in cheers.

Everyone did not anticipate SM Ent. artists to perform and Haneul is performing with them in perfect teamwork which made them think of how in the world this happened. Everyone was swaying in beat as Haneul and her group danced, sang and rapped to the song. GOT7 eventually made their way to their places next to the people who did their parts.

Mark being next to Haneul. GOT7 and Haneul's group danced together with no bumping on each other and I don't know how to imagine that. As the ending, Haneul did some acrobatics that Mark usually does. Everyone was amazed by Haneul's skills and everyone claps as the performance was done.

GOT7 and Haneul's group bowed and gave their thanks to everyone watching. "Now, that was an unexpected collaboration for the first time ever in the ICSYV. What made you guys think of this surprise?" Yoo Se Yoon asks Hyoyeon and the people with her. "Well, we wanted to surprise Haneul and the audience." Hyoyeon says as she speaks for everyone.

"I'm guessing Ms. Haneul over here didn't know about this surprise." Yoo Se Yoon says and Haneul nods her head laughing. "How did you guys come to know Haneul?" Kim Jong Kook asks which everyone wanted to know, too.

"It's a secret!" Amber says playfully as she laughs. "If you want to know, then continue loving Haneul! She is a talented and a very good person. We're very fond and close to her so please take good care of her since she finally revealed herself to you guys." Kai says wrapping his arm around Haneul's shoulders.

The sevens didn't like it when they saw Kai did that but they couldn't show that so they continue to watch with curiosity. "Yah, we're on tv, your fans might kill me because you put your arm around my shoulders. I don't want to die, yet. ;(" Haneul jokes and everyone laughs at her joke because they know the power fans have.

"Okay, okay, okay." Kai played along, removes his arm and had his hands up. "With this, we conclude the end of the show! Thank you for watching this chaotic episode and hope everyone enjoyed it! See you next time!" After that, the cameras shut off and everyone starts to calm down. The audience begins to leave after having a little fan service from their favorite artists.

Haneul was sitting on the stage, watching everyone unfold and there she realized that everything did happen, that she finally revealed herself on tv, that GOT7 knows a part of her. Haneul smiles and closes her eyes, contented.

"Hey, you." Haneul opens her eyes and sees the sevens in front of her, watching her. "Hey, guys." Haneul greets back with her innocent smile which captured the sevens' hearts. "Yah, why didn't you tell us that you were Miracle7?" Yugyeom says and pouts at the end which Haneul chuckles at him.

"Well, I had my reasons and at least you guys know now, right?" Haneul says and the sevens nod their heads, agreeing with her. "Now that we know, we feel much better knowing another thing about you. You mysterious little thing." Mark says as he steps forward to tickle Haneul. Haneul stands up from being tickled and swiftly moves away to hide behind Yugyeom.

"Gyeommieee help mee." Haneul says cutely and Yugyeom's heartbeat beats fast when she called him by a nickname that he found cute when she says it. Mark was coming towards them and Yugyeom blocks Mark playfully that Mark's eyebrows furrowed playfully as well. "You're blocking your hyung?" Mark asks crossing his arms.

"Sorry, hyunggg..." Yugyeom tries to apologize and Mark shakes his head. Yugyeom was caught off guard and Mark used that chance to get to Haneul and Haneul saw that coming so she ran. She ran away but stumbled upon a wall with arms wrapping themselves around her to stop her from falling.

"Taecyeon oppa!" Haneul exclaims as Taecyeon helped her stand straight. "Annyeong, Haneul-ah. It's nice to finally know your name. Plus you're Miracle7, huh?" Taecyeon teases Haneul who rubs her neck nervously. "Yeah, I had my reasons, oppaa." Haneul whines cutely which Taecyeon could not get mad at her.

"Haneul-ah!" Mark caught up and saw Taecyeon in front of Haneul. The rest of the sevens caught up as well. "Hyung!" The sevens greeted their senior with smiles and Taecyeon greets them back. "Jackson-ah, this is the new trainee I told you about earlier." Taecyeon points at Haneul who is once again caught.

"What?!" The sevens yell in shock and looks at Haneul for her to confirm it. "Surpriseee?" Haneul lets out the word in a question form because she didn't tell them anything about that, yet. "Why, you..." The sevens began to chase her around as Haneul ran away first.

Everyone in the set who was left, watched the sevens chase around a scared yet a laughing Haneul. "Okay, okay. Wrap it up everyone. We'll be having a celebration after this so get ready to leave." Ms. Mok says which everyone plus the staff cheered on.

The sevens stopped chasing after Haneul as she hid behind Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon was laughing at Haneul who stuck her tongue at the sevens, playfully. "Oh, come on. We have to get ready to leave." Hyoyeon being an eonnie and a noona, the sevens, Haneul and the rest listened.

After everyone got ready to leave, Ms. Mok leads them to another big place or a big room where its decorated for a celebration where there's food and drinks on the side, tables and chairs in the middle and a space up front with a dj booth.

Everyone, including the mystery singers were there to celebrate together. Everyone started to disperse to wherever they want to go. Haneul grabs whoever was closest to her in each hand and drags them with her to the food and drinks area. She dragged Yugyeom and Taemin with her. Yugyeom and Taemin are close friends so it wasn't awkward between them whenever they meet.

Both Yugyeom and Taemin find Haneul cute when she suddenly drags them with her. The sevens and Haneul's group talked to each other as they caught up with the youngsters. "Haneul-ah, why didn't you drag me along with youu?" BamBam whined when he wasn't brought along.

"I only have two hands and I only grabbed who was closest to me Bammiee." Haneul says her chosen nickname for BamBam who likes the nickname. Haneul walks to BamBam and drags him with her alone, leaving Yugyeom and Taemin who felt betrayed.

"Yah!" Yugyeom and Taemin yell towards Haneul and BamBam's fleeting figures. They ran to catch up to them. The sevens and Haneul's group watches the scene and laughs at them. Everyone grabs their plate of food and drinks.

They sat to where they wanted to sit which became a big table huddled together so everyone can be seated together. Before anyone could start eating, Ms. Mok stood up and raised her glass of wine to make a toast.

Everyone held their glass up, some with wine, some with beer, some with soju, some with coke and when I mean the coke I meant the youngsters who aren't legal to drink yet. 20 years old is the legal age for drinking so that means Haneul, Yugyeom, BamBam are the ones drinking coke.

"I would like to thank everyone here tonight for the successful run of the first episode of the 4th season of ICSYV. Tonight wouldn't be successful without everyone so I'm thankful to all of you. I would also like to thank and congratulate Ms. Haneul for choosing our show to reveal her identity to which I'm sure a lot of people were waiting for that moment. I hope you'll have a bright future ahead of you as well as everyone here and everyone who are dear to us. Let us celebrate for this success! Cheers!"

Everyone clinks with each others' glass and drank their drinks. Haneul drank a bit of her coke and puts it down to drink the glass of water next to her. They all begin to eat and they continue having fun and talking the whole time.

After they were done eating, they somehow found themselves on the dance floor with the mystery signer who was a dj playing some songs. Everyone was having fun dancing together and it came to a point that Haneul, Yugyeom, Taemin, Kai, Hyoyeon, and Shindong were having a dance battle.

Each of them showing their skills and styles as everyone else was cheering for them. Haneul showed a snippet of each style she learned before and the outcome was unique that the crowd was in awe. She ended her dance with a flip that made everyone roared to life.

"That was awesome!" Yugyeom exclaims in excitement and in awe. "That wasn't even everything of what Haneul can do." Hyoyeon says which the sevens became more intrigued to figure everything about Haneul as well did everyone there.

After the dance battle, everyone became exhausted and ended the celebration there. Everyone was getting ready to head back home. One by one, everyone left to their cars to head home, leaving the sevens, Haneul's group and Taecyeon.

The sevens, Haneul's group and Taecyeon were talking until the sevens' and Taecyeon's ride came to pick them up. "See you in the dorms!" The sevens says as they get in their ride which Taecyeon also ride with them since he took a taxi here. "Okay! I'll drive them home first and be there!" Haneul says waving goodbye to the fleeting cars.

Haneul looks at her group with a smile and hugs them all. "Let's get you guys home!" Haneul says, making her way to her car while skipping, being happy. "How long will your energy last? You're still energetic even after a night so exhausting." Kai says, chuckling at her energetic state and the others agreed with him by nodding.

"I don't know why either." Haneul shrugs her shoulders and everyone hops in the car while two were at the back. Haneul quickly turns the heater on to let them not be cold cause it's still winter. Haneul turns the car's engine on and drives off towards the SM Ent. dorms.

After 10-15 minutes, Haneul parks the car near the dorms and they all get out. Haneul wanted to see the boys and Rey so she went inside with the rest. Everyone says their goodbye to each other in the elevator, leaving Haneul, Kai, Lay and D.O inside the elevator, going up to their floor.

"I miss you guys even though we saw each other this morning." Haneul wraps her arms on Kai's right arm and on Lay's left arm. "We've not stop talking about how we miss you since this morning." Kai says and both Lay and D.O nods their heads. "Rey won't stop calling for you." D.O says and Haneul smiles at the thought of Rey screaming her name because she can't cook so many things.

The four arrived at the floor and they walk towards their dorm room. Haneul fished for the key of the door in her cross-bag that she kept in case she visits and opens the door with it. Kai, Lay and D.O went in first, shielding Haneul as a surprise for the boys and Rey as Haneul closes the door behind them then walks towards the living room.

"We're home!" Kai says as the boys and Rey came into their view. The boys and Rey didn't see Haneul as their eyes were glued on the tv, watching a tv show. "We saw what happened! It was awesome! Haneul looks so happy and good when she performed." Rey says as she looks at D.O with a sad smile.

"We also saw your performance at the end, it was cool cause GOT7 were dancing with you guys. We could see Haneul being happy when she saw you guys. The look on her face says it all. Surprised, shock and happy." Chanyeol says as he looks at Kai, Lay and D.O, who were still standing, which everyone else nods their head.

"If only we could see her, we miss her." Xiumin says as he leans in more on the couch, pouting. "Who says they miss me?" Haneul asks as the three boys shielding her, steps aside to reveal her. The boys and Rey had their eyes wide when they saw Haneul in front of them.

They rub their eyes, denying what they see but she really is there. They got up and ran to hug her especially Rey. "Haneul-ah!" Each of them take turns to hug Haneul as they missed her. "Aigoo, I didn't know this much people miss me." Haneul jokes as she looks at them all with a smile.

"Are you going to stay the night?" Chanyeol asks and Haneul shakes her head, no. "I gotta go back to the dorms. I came here to visit you guys though cause I miss you guys even though we saw each other this morning." Haneul says and they nod their heads, understanding.

They spent the last 20 minutes talking to each other until it was time for Haneul to leave as it is 10:32pm. "I'm gonna get going, now. I'll visit when I can! You guys should text me your schedules and when you're free so I can find time so we can hang out." Haneul says as she walks to the door. "We will! Get home safely!" Rey says as she hugs Haneul again.

The boys nod their heads an take turns to hug Haneul, too. Haneul waves goodbye and left the room, walking towards the elevator. She got in and then out of the elevator, walking out of the dorm building. As Haneul walks out of the building, she bumps into a wall with outstretched arms, stopping her from falling.

Haneul looks up and sees Minho. "I don't know why but I think bumping into 'walls' is my thing, now." Haneul jokes and Minho laughs at her. He helps Haneul stand straight and ruffles Haneul's hair. "I saw you on the tv show. You were amazing plus you finally revealed yourself. We were waiting on when you'll do it." Minho says and Haneul rubs her neck.

"Thanks, Minho-ho." Haneul says, saying her nickname for Minho which Minho smiles at the nickname. "I'm going to head up, Han-Pan. You should get back safe, okay? By the way, the boys and I miss you." Minho says as he gives her a hug as a goodbye.

"I will and I miss you guys, too. I'll visit when I can." Haneul says and they wave goodbye at each other as Haneul heads to her car and Minho to his group's dorm room. Haneul gets in her car and drives off towards the dorms.

As she was driving, she saw two cars behind hers and they suddenly sped up, speeding ahead of Haneul's car and stops in front. Haneul stops her car as the two cars blocks the road, unable for her to move forward. Haneul checks her dash cam and sees that it's recording as always. She gets out of her car, locks it and got in front of the car as she sees men coming out of the two cars in front.

"What's your problem?" Haneul asks with her arms crossed together. "Oh, we have no problem. You're the problem." One of the men in front says and Haneul's eyebrow jerked up. "Is this about the students?" Haneul asks and the men in front of her looked confused. "There's no students involved with this!"

The man shouted and Haneul had her hands up, "Chill.". "Then, were you ordered by Min Ki?" Haneul says as she crosses her arms and she could see the men in front of her gulped their saliva, looking nervous. "N-no." The man stutters and Haneul figured it out.

"What does he want? Plus, how did you know where to find me? You never saw my face before." Haneul says and leans on her car, relaxed. The men in front became rigid as they try to find the words. "We don't know any Min- Okay, fine! We were ordered by him. We followed your vehicle the whole day. He told us to not harm any of your friends, he just wants to harm you."

The man spoke the truth out and Haneul nods her head. Well, I guess he might be still mad cause I knocked him out. Oh, well. Haneul shrugs with the thought and looks at the men in front. "So, what are you going to do to me?" Haneul asks calmly. The men were agitated cause they did not see any hint of fright in her.

"I don't know. He just said to harm you. Though, we can do any kind of harm. I mean that kind of harm." The man says trying to scare Haneul, his intention by saying that is to scare her and not really do it. Haneul knew what he meant as it was doing the dirty to her which is a harm to a girl's body if it isn't done with consent.

The man just said that with the intention to scare her but his men took it personally, becoming excited by the thought of doing it to her, a pretty girl. "So, what should it be? You either go with us or be forced." The man did not know what his men was thinking so he continues talking, making his men more excited.

"We should just force her!" His men started to run to her and the man was shocked as it wasn't his intention to do. He knew he fucked up. "Yah! Get back here!" The man shouted at his men to come back but his men, due to being too excited, didn't hear him call for them.

6 men surrounding Haneul. The man walks towards his men to stop them but he was pushed back. "Yah! I'm the leader here! You should listen to me-" The man didn't finish his sentence when he was punched in the face by one of his men, falling to the ground. "What the fuck?!"

The man exclaims as blood gushes out of his nose. "We don't care if you're the leader. We want some fun." The man who hit the leader shouts at him and the leader was shocked that his men rebelled against him due to their lust.

The leader stood up and punches the guy who hit him so hard that knocked him out and ran in front of Haneul in a fighting position. "Lady, run! I'll try to stall them!" The leader says as he knew he fucked up. He never meant for this to happen. The leader felt a hand on his shoulder, squeezing like it was suppose to assure him.

"Don't worry, Mr. I can handle dickheads like them. Though, is it alright for me to beat them up? They're you're minions, you know." Haneul says looking at the leader calmly with her hand on his shoulder.

"The moment they ran towards you without my permission was the moment I no longer think of them as my companions. This was not meant to happen. I never meant for this to happen. I fucked up." The leader admits and Haneul could see that since she read his memories. A good and loving husband to his wife and kids.

He only works for Min Ki because he pays good money even if the job is doing bad things, just for his family to live a good life. She shakes her head, saddened by the fact the there are people like this. One who wants his/her family to live a good life even if the person himself/herself is doing the opposite, doing whatever it takes to bring that dream to life.

"Alrighty then." Haneul pushes the leader back to let him lean on the car. Haneul smiles at him and pats his shoulders before she turns to face the attackers. "What are you going to do, huh? Why don't you let us have some fun with yo-"

The guy didn't get to finish what he was going to say when Haneul took a big step and uppercuts him so fast, his companions didn't notice him on the ground until there was a loud grunt heard. "What the hell?! Attack her!" The rest of the 5 who were still standing pounces on her, pulling their fists back to strike.

Everytime one tries to punch her, she evades them and jabs them, enough to knock them down one by one. "Ugh, what the heck?" Each of the 6 men were down and grunting in pain. "I suggest you work for Jinho. He pays good money annd you'll have many brothers who'll love to have your back."

Haneul suggests to the leader who nods his head. "I was planning to but it was hard cause I thought they were my companions and I thought wrong. I'm sorry about this." The leader apologizes and bows his head. "No need for that. Just tell Jinho that I recommended you. Also tell him that H says hi to him and his men."

The leader nods his head as Haneul walks towards the men who tries to crawl away. "Now, what did you say you wanted to do to me?" Haneul asks in a calmly manner with a weird smile towards the men who tried to force her. They did not say a word, feeling scared as shit. "Just like I thought. Weak." Haneul says and they really felt weak in front of this girl.

"Just leave them here, Mr. Go to this address and talk to Jinho and remember to tell him what I said." Haneul says and the leader nods his head, leaving the men on the ground and walking to his car and drove off, making a way for Haneul to drive in.

Haneul hops in her car and turns the engine on. She lowers the window of her car door. "Move or get run over. Your choice!" Haneul drives forward and the men in front scurry off to the sides so as to not get run over.

"What a scary person. We should not provoke her again." One of the 6 men says and the rest agreed with him, watching the fleeting car. They suddenly smell a horrendous smell. "I think I shat myself." One of the men says and the other men moved away from him, disgusted.


Haneul makes her way back to the dorms and parks her car. She made her way into the building and into the elevator. She arrives at her floor, the elevator made a ding sound and she got out. She walks towards her room and when she passes the sevens' room, their door opened and Haneul gets pulled in.

"What the?" Haneul lets out as she gets pulled inside the sevens' room and into the living room where she stood in front of the sevens in their sleeping wear. "Awe, you guys look so cuteee." Haneul says as she found them looking cute in their attire. Haneul walks to Yugyeom and gives him a hug, snuggling into him.

Yugyeom was caught off guard, not expecting that but his heart pounded in his chest. "Yah! We want one, too!" The rest of the sevens exclaim and Haneul made a motion with her hand to jokingly shoo them away.

Her eyes were closed at the time and she opens an eye a bit and she sees the sevens turn to leave, pouting. She lets go of Yugyeom and ran towards the rest of the sevens, jumping on their backs but she could only jump on Mark and Jaebeom. "I'm kiddingg!" Haneul says cutely and hugs them while trying to keep her body off of the ground.

Haneul got down off of Jaebeom's and Mark's backs and shows a smile towards the sevens. She then hugs Jackson, then BamBam, then Youngjae and the last one left was Jinyoung who was sitting quietly on the couch, on his phone.

He may be looking coldly and not minding that Haneul was there but he secretly wanted Haneul to hug him, too. "I guess mom doesn't want a hug, then!" Haneul playfully say and walks towards Yugyeom again for a hug.

Haneul was about to hug Yugyeom but she heard someone mumble. "What was that?" Haneul playfully asks trying to find the person who was mumbling. "I want a hug." The mumble became louder and it was coming from the one and only, Jinyoung!

"Aigoo, here I thought mom is a cold person." Haneul runs to Jinyoung, who looks shocked with his hands out to catch her, and jumps on him. Jinyoung catches her in his arms and they both lay on the couch, Jinyoung laying on his back and Haneul on top, hugging him while laying on top of him. "Hi, Jinyoung oppa!" Haneul puts her hands on either side of Jinyoung's head and pushes herself up a bit to look at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung didn't expect that and was at loss of words. He looks at Haneul's smiling face, her beauty and easy going personality amazes him. "Okay, that's enough!" Mark and Jaebeom grabs either arm of Haneul and lifts her up away from Jinyoung and made her stand in front of them again. Jinyoung was laying there, not knowing what to do but blush.

"We're still upset, you know. It feels like we just uncovered things about you one by one which is not coming from you. Can you tell us about yourself, now?" Jaebeom asks and the rest of the sevens nod their heads. "Well, what do you want to know?" Haneul asks the sevens and they were baffled by her question as it was too easy.

They were trying to figure out questions to ask and Haneul was waiting for their questions. Haneul heard some scraping on a door and Haneul went to it. Opens the door of Youngjae and Jaebeom's room and out came Coco.

Coco ran to Haneul and kept jumping on her, wanting to be held by her. Haneul picks Coco up and Coco licks her cheek, missing her. "Coco misses you, she sometimes wait by the door even though we're all here." Youngjae says as Haneul came into their view with Coco in her arms.

"I miss you too, Coco." Haneul says and kisses Coco. The sevens watches her kiss Coco, wishing they were Coco. Then, Haneul looks at the sevens who were also looking at her. "Okay, how about we sit down and talk."

BamBam says as he makes his way to the couch to sit while the others followed suit. Haneul sat in front of the sevens as if it was to interrogate someone. "Are you really the girl behind Miracle7?" Yugyeom asks which the rest of the sevens smack his head. "What? I'm just asking to make sure!" He says as he pouts.

"Yes, I am. I can show you my account as evidence." Haneul says bringing her phone out and opens instagram, shows it to the sevens and they confirmed it themselves. "Oh wait, I have to post the video on instagram and twitter." Haneul says and pulls her phone back to post the raw video on her accounts. The sevens watch her do it and were amazed that it really is her.

The moment she posted the videos, dings were heard from every phone of the sevens and they checked it themselves. They watched the video and likes the video. Haneul heard dings from her own phone and sees the sevens accounts liking her video as well as hundred of thousands of her followers liking it.

"There's a lot of people commenting how pretty and talented you looked and are and theres.... some comments that aren't good." Jackson says and his face darkened at some comments, probably some bashers or people tryna bring Haneul down but Haneul didn't mind it. She's used to those kinds of comments.

"Okay, now that you proved to be really Miracle7, we want to know if you're really the new trainee next door." Jackson's turn to ask and Haneul fished for the keys that JYP gave her this morning and showed it to the sevens who nod their heads, confirming it.

"How did you know those SM Ent. artists?" Jaebeom asks and Haneul smiles at them. "I actually auditioned to be a trainee in front of the CEO's of SM Ent. JYP Ent. and YG Ent. I chose to join SM Ent. as a trainee and trained there for a while as a special trainee. I got to take classes the same with the artists there. We became well acquainted and close."

Haneul explains and they nod their heads but were shocked on the inside. "How come you're here as a trainee?" BamBam asks and Haneul strokes Coco's head. "Mr. Park and Mr. Lee made an agreement between themselves and with me to co-partner to handle my career as an idol. So that means I'll be under both Entertainments."

Haneul explains and they nod their heads but gotten more shocked in the inside. "So you came to live here instead of staying there because?" Youngjae asks. "Mr. Park told me to stay here until I join the upcoming tv show, Produce 10. He also wants me to be acquainted with the artists here as my seniors."

Haneul explains again and they nod their heads, showing their shocked faces. "Really? That's awesome! But that's like two weeks away from now." Jinyoung says and Haneul nods her head. "Do you have any relationships with the artists in SM Ent. while you were training there?" Mark asks what the sevens had in their minds all along.

"Uhm...." Haneul trails off to tease them and it worked cause they looked agitated which looked cute to Haneul. Haneul laughs at them and shakes her head. "Not that kind of relationships. They're all good friends of mine. Though, two of them happened to be my first and second kiss. The first one was accidental and the second one was because of a class of ours."

Haneul shrugs her shoulders as she plays with Coco's fur, stroking it. The sevens were now looking like frozen statues as they heard her say something about kisses. "But I don't consider them as real kisses because they should be with someone you love, right? So, I'll say that I never had my real first kiss."

Haneul says innocently while stroking Coco's fur which the sevens were distraught by her innocence. They were trying so hard to not go to her and hug her because of her innocence. "When did you learn how to do flips or acrobatics stuff?" Mark changes the topic and Haneul looks at him.

"At first, I learned how to fight, then worked out and all that while practicing dancing and singing and rapping. I felt my body become lighter that I started to try practicing flips at the age of 15. Still learning and practicing till this day." Haneul says and the sevens nods their heads.

"Wait, you practiced how to fight?" Jinyoung asks and Haneul nods her head. "To protect myself and the people I love. Also to protect others from danger and harm." Haneul says this bluntly while smiling that the sevens could not believe that a girl like her in her age was this kind, compassionate, mature and hard working.

"Amazing." The sevens say altogether. "Since you can sing, rap, dance, do flips and cook, what else can you do?" Yugyeom asks and Haneul was thinking. "I can play instruments, I can write lyrics, I can play sports, I'm a fast learner, I can swim, I'm flexible too, hmmm..." Haneul trails off to find more things she can do as the sevens were looking at her like she grew two heads.

"Oh! I can act and draw, too. I think that's all I can say." Haneul says and the sevens look at her with their mouths agape. "Is there anything you can't do?!" The sevens exclaim at the same time and Haneul shrugs, doesn't know, too.

They were talking for the past hour and a half that it passes 12 in the midnight. About now, Haneul was leaning on Yugyeom, treating him as a pillow as Mark's head laying on her lap. The rest of the sevens sprawled on the couch and floor.

"Is there anything else you're hiding?" BamBam asks and Haneul nods her head. "There is one thing but I can't tell you. Not until the right time." Haneul says which intrigues the sevens. "Why not?" Jackson asks as they all look at her.

"Then, I'll have to erase your memories about it if I do."

Haneul says bluntly and the sevens took it as a joke, the sevens laughing. They didn't see her laughing so they stopped and looks at her. "You're not serious, right?" Jaebeom asks and the sevens looks scared but still curious. Haneul looks at their expressions and can't help but laugh at them.

"Do you guys really think I can do that?" Haneul asks them as she laughs and the sevens calmed down. "For a second there, we thought you were serious." Mark was laughing in relief as he says this and Haneul suddenly turned serious.

"But what if I am?" The sevens were baffled by her change of expressions as they did not know her acting mode is on. "No, I'm just kidding. I was acting. You guys should have looked at your faces." Haneul says as she laughs at them and the sevens were sighing in relief.

"You're too unpredictable." The sevens say in unison and they got up as bed time was coming and the sevens need to sleep since they have a schedule tomorrow. "Want to stay the night, Haneul-ah?" Jaebeom asks and the rest of the sevens perked up from the question.

"Sure? Where do I sleep and who do I sleep with?" Haneul asks wanting to know and the sevens misunderstood her last question as they cough at the sudden question. "I meant sleep beside with." Haneul quickly explains as she sees their ears turn red.

"Where'd you get that idea?" Mark asks and Haneul smiles at them. "Well, I sleep beside 2 members of EXO sometimes and sometimes they switch because they like sleeping beside me." Haneul tells them and they cough again.

"It was fine with me because I like sleeping with someone beside me. I get huggy when I sleep." "Me!" "No, me!" "No, me!" The sevens were arguing with each other to try to get Haneul to sleep beside them. To the point they did rock, paper, scissors the game.

They took it to the next level and were playing so seriously. They were in pairs, too. YugBam, MarkSon, 2 Jaes and Jinyoung who has his own room and doesn't share with anyone else. In the end, YugBam and MarkSon were the last ones. Yugyeom and Mark were fighting for their team. "Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

Yugyeom held out paper and Mark held out... Haneul and the sevens get ready as they wait for Haneul to go change. Haneul came back, changing into her shorts and oversized shirt. Haneul was then lead to a room where she'll be sleeping in. Haneul went in and saw the winners' room.

The rest of the sevens were looking at Haneul watching the room beside the door. "Let's put these two beds together so three of us can sleep on it!" Haneul says as she walks to one of the bed and Yugyeom helped her with the other bed. BamBam helps Haneul with his bed and they pushed it together.

Yugyeom pushes his bed while BamBam and Haneul pushes his bed to put them together. The losers were watching them get ready for bed sadly. They wanted to sleep beside Haneul, too. Haneul watches them by the door and they looked sad. "Don't worry! There's always tomorrow and the day after that until I leave for the tv show."

Haneul says while smiling at them, basically telling them that they can sleep beside her, too. They look happy after what she said and they left to go to their rooms. Before they could all leave, she calls out to them while running outside.

The ones leaving, stopped and looked at Haneul. Haneul runs to each of them, giving them each a kiss on the foreheads. "Goodnight, oppas!" Haneul bids them goodnight and runs back to the room of YugBam. Yugyeom and BamBam got themselves ready and laid on their bed. Haneul was getting ready too as she removed her bra underneath her shirt.

YugBam saw this and saw the black sports bra taken under her shirt, coming out with her hand. They looked away, embarrassed and blushing. Haneul notices them looking away and laughs. "I can't sleep with my sports bra on." Haneul says as she puts her sports bra on a counter and walks towards the bed.

She gets on the middle of the bed and crawls her way to her spot. She lays on her spot and closes her eyes. "Oh wait, the lights aren't off." Haneul says and she gets up to off the lights. As she offs the lights, it was total darkness but Haneul could adjust to the darkness and could see a bit.

She walks to the bed and crawls back to her spot. Yugyeom and BamBam were too shy to come close to Haneul so Haneul took the initiative. She gently puts her arms under their necks and gently pulls them to her. YugBam felt an arm around their shoulders, pulling them to Haneul before they know it.

"You can hug me if you want. I give you permission to hug me." Haneul says and YugBam slowly wrap their arms around Haneul and hugs her. Haneul pulls their heads closer to hers and caresses their head.

YugBam felt comfortable in her arms as they hug her while avoiding a certain area. They felt really nice when she was caressing their hair as if they were being handled with good care by Haneul. Haneul felt their heartbeats and breathing steady, them falling asleep instantly. Haneul smiles at the two.

Even though the sevens are growing and becoming men, they are still babies who needs love. Haneul kisses there foreheads and Haneul, too, drifts into dreamland.


Hey guyss!! Miss me? How's the chapter by the way? Is it still okay? Please comment down your thoughtsss cause I would love to read themm! How's life? You single or you taken? You sad or you happy? You have problems or nah?

Me? Well, I'm just meh. Many things to do and many more things to do huhu but I still make time to write my two books. By the way, I'm 19 years old, how about you? Hahaha I know it's sudden of me to say my age but who cares.

See you in the next chapterr!
