Pressure Aura, Full Potential

Defeating this old bastard is not that difficult, but it would take too much time. However, if we use the abilities promptly, we can kill him but the downside would be unable to escape.

Well, if the barrier he was telling is something cast using his rough control over the mana, it could be that killing him will free us from this cave. But this giant monkey here, this Giant Evergreen Ape is not something we can escape. Even though we can't kill it, it is still fortunate that it's not focusing on Ellena. We could perhaps wait until it went outside.

The scene might be gore, but it is a rule in this world. Even in any world, there is always a rule that strong ones trample weak ones. It just depends on the people.

"So Ellena, what would you do?"

'I don't know. This one is too much for me I guess. But I can defeat it, however, I would be draining my stamina after.' She answered.

It's problematic. But, I think that's the only one. No! It appears to be the only way...