
"The young master's office is upstairs, on the third floor." The servant answered calmly.

Even though the maid is acting nonchalant, she was observing Ellena's stature without moving her pupils. Perhaps it's a common thing to not move your pupils to inspect since it's rude to others. However, with her kind of profession, I can only imagine how did she get to reach that feat where she can just use her peripheral vision.

After some seconds, Ellena nodded before thanking her.

It was fortunate for us too that there are no roaming guards her, or it would be hectic to handle them. I can only imagine the roof of the arrogance of these elite guards or what they call themselves. Since I haven't seen them act, I can at least try to imagine them from Ellena's description.

Moments later, before continuing to move to find Verxal's office or room, we stumbled on the third floor that seems to be more different than the interior of the second and ground floor.