How did you learn to drive?

"Why are you kind to me? Do you pity me?" Thalia asked without getting any food, showing a little crinkle on her face as if enduring some pain.

It must be minimal since Ellena didn't use her authority over her command. Thalia is experiencing some pain from the pact.

"I don't pity you. I want you to eat. Don't compare me to other owners. I do what I think is right and eat. No buts."

Thalia sighed secretly and took a bite of food to eat. Ellena raised her thumbs, pointing heavenward.

Is the thumbs-up present in this world?

Bwah. I just shook my head if that's so. It's not a big deal to be surprised. I thought that archaic had less body language. But it turned out that I was just stupid.

Never mind. From now on, I won't compare the modern world to this one as if it was an archaic era. It's basically a different world and matters like that are just the beginning.