Cules's Training

There in the dark part of the woods, where the moonlight had limited reach, a Dark Wood appeared. This type of monster is a D-rank monster that appears every night. However, they only appear in limited light places; thus, their weakness is light.

They can't be seen totally. Their features might be a dark wood log standing on end with two legs and two arms made of sticks. Their eyes also appear to be black.

This is an ugly monster, to be precise. Just looking at it makes me puke. It was like a corrupted wood or dying tree to me. It also gives off a nasty aura as a result of a dark mist around their bodies.

"There are 4 Dark Woods, Cules. They might be less weak to physical attacks, so just overwhelm them." I said with an assuring face. Cules also replied to my idea with a glittering eye.