It's been 2 days now since James' mom Springs the, you're not going to go on the trip with your best friend speech.
summer is finally here and instead of going on the trip with Dante like I wanted to, I'm stuck on the meet your new potential future Daddy trip instead, "ugh" I wanna cry, this so unfair!!
I had big plans to lay, this summer and buy a hole a lot of shit that should make straight men lose faith while I'm screwing a redhead!
Like is that too much to ask? "James he's here," my mom said over excitedly.
"I'm coming woman!" I shouted, "then hurry up!" what are you? 12? I sighed and finish zipping my suitcase.
I take it off the bed and look over to the pink bag of joy I had planned on using, then look at my case, that when I had a dumb bright idea and just open back my suitcase and force it in, .. damn doesn't that sounds naughty~
I exit and close my room door then jogged down the stairs and saw no one "did they left me?" I asked out loud with excitement in my voice, and then my mom showed up.
Damn, "he's putting the stuff in the car and jame?" my mom said pausing for a moment then looks at me "what is it, Mom?" I had to ask "whatever you do, don't be judgmental okay," she said playing with her fingers, it was like a slap in the face when I heard her say that.
When I've I ever been judgmental? And who is this guy to make mom this- "holy shit" I said as the door open reveal the devil with a halo.
But something felt off the moment my eyes made contact with his, my stomach felt... twisted?
"Don't be shy," My mom said as she held my wrist and pulled me snapping me out of whatever that trans I was in.
As soon as we were close enough to him she lets go of me and hugs him, in front of me, and for some reason, I find it...annoying. "tsk"
[I'll release two chapters a week until it's complete, so please point out any miss-spelling errors] Thank you!!!!