"Holy shit" I heard my real mate saying the second he saw me and I could tell he likes what he sees, of course, I felt this sense of pride washes over me, knowing my body was his type, but I've just got to keep myself's under controlled.
"Don't be shy" I heard Elisa said to my real mate, she held his wrist and starts pulling him, he hissed his teeth, as soon as she lets him go of him, she came over and hugs me, that's when I take the opportunity to look at my mate.
He rolls his eyes and I could help but find it cute when the scent in the air around him and his actions screams out jealousy.
I chuckle a little and let go of Elisa.
That's when he suddenly takes out his phone and starts blushing, and it pisses me off, who can make my mate have that kind of expression!?
I wanna know so could beat the shit out of them, I didn't like how he was smiling while texting some bitch or asshole, whoever it was that could make him wear that expression of interest and disappointment at the same time.
" I don't mind hugging all day but don't you think you should at least introduce me?" I said to Elisa she looks up at me with her smile "okay" she said letting go of me looking over to her my mate "was enjoying it" she said.
I didn't mean to but I ignored the kiss she gave me and walk over to my mate, that's not paying attention to ME.
"Do you want help with that?" I said, my mate James, he suddenly stops blushing and looks at me with a blank stare. REALLY? NICE MOVE JACKASS my wolf rexis said to me.
Shut up, like you got a better punch line, I said to rexies, LET ME TAKE OVER AN I'LL SHOW YOU, he said without a doubt wearing a smirk on his wolf face.
"No I'm good," my mate said, "O..kay," I said feeling a little disappointed, "Are we gonna go or what?" I heard my mate said with a little attitude.
And the thought of me, not satisfying my mate's simple desires, kills me, I heard a message came in on my mate's phone and grab the hand he was about to pick it up with without thinking.
"Yeah, let's go," I said pulling my mate along with me.
"wait!" my mate shouted making me stop.
"Why are you pulling me," he said and that's when I started panicking for a second, and then I remember his mom Elisa, who's not my mate was telling me he didn't wanna come with us.
"because it looks like your looking for a reason not to come," I said with a straight face.