Chapter 11


I look behind my mom and saw Ethan walk in pulling down his shirt. "what did I miss?" he asked raising a brow.


I purposely ignore him taking the boxes of pizza for my mom, "look who's being shy~" my mom said in an embarrassing tone making me blush while praying Dante didn't hear anything.


"Where's the young man who just locks lips and said he's a freak-"


"Mom!" I said on top of my lungs to cut her off as she follows behind me having a field day.


My God, she just had to pull the annoying mom card now, damn! "he what?" I heard Ethan ask with a hint of annoyance or disbelief, maybe? in his voice but whatever.


I pull the first pizza box and saw pepperoni with bacon and extra cheese on top I instantly know that one was mom's so I just closed it back and skip to the other one that's when I open the second pizza box inside, my chicken and pineapple with ham and extra cheese.


I honestly got curious about the last box, what kinda pizza does he eat?


I don't usually care about these things but I must have been staring at the box for too long, cause mom tap me with the back of her hand on my arm. "Just open it," she said and I look back at Ethan for the first time since we entered the kitchen.


Locking eyes with him I tilt my head a little bit, probably looking like a puppy that's wondering if the human gonna toss the treat or not.


"Well?" I said because he was taking three seconds longer than needed. "no problem" he said, and I opened it.


That's when I noticed we ordered the same thing, look back up at him feeling somewhat... pleased, I didn't like this. "did you just get whatever I was getting or something?" I had to ask.


He looks at me confused about what I just said, "Small world right" my mom said getting my attention, "I know you'd think that but I ordered his first that's when I noticed your tastes were similar, I was going to ask you want one of his slices but since your curiosity got the better of you I didn't say anything" she finishes.


I suddenly felt exposed from behind, and he's the only one behind us but I didn't look back. That's when my mom giggles while biting her lips and I could tell she felt the lust coming from behind but I didn't make it obvious that I felt it too since I know for a fact that she was probably the one it was meant for.


The moment I had that thought a little pain tugged at my beating heart, what the hell is going with me today, "you okay!?" I heard his voice bringing back to reality and out of my head.


"why wouldn't I be," I said kinda coldly taking up my box of pizza to take with me.


I pop the earphones in "you still they-" I glance at Ethan's hand by chance, and dodge it slightly and he got the message, "yes?" I said.


I can see this sad look in his eyes and I'm not sure what going on with me but my head keeps screaming to him, and of course, I ignored its decision-making.


"You forgot your soda," he said, in a tone that betrays the look in his eyes I took the soda and turn around and just left going back upstairs and to a room "you okay man?" I heard Dante's voice in my ears and suddenly all this weird feeling was gone again, maybe I'm just tired I thought.


"Yes, just tired that's all"




To be Continue