New Project

When Kent arrived back at the castle, the autumn sun's hue scattered from the distance, indicating it was near sunset. Kent's hand blocked the sun's bright glow as he walked through the massive courtyard. Soon, the city of Hestanar will be engulfed in darkness, for another passing day.

Kent has already figured out the key issue to Hestanar's famine, and the problem wouldn't require too much effort to solve in all honesty. If the farmers understood the concept of using fertiliser and composting, the farms should be, in theory, producing agriculture before long.

"Welcome back, milord." A guard stationed at the castle gate called out.

Kent observed the guard, simple cloth was underneath the crudely forged metal chest plate, which was all the armour this guard had. As his weapon, a simple shortsword laid in the guard's left sheath, but observing the handle of the sword, Kent was certain the weapon was not properly maintained.

In comparison with the guards Kent remembered from his memories. The guards from the capital were far more well equipped than the guards in Hestanar. This just goes to show how financially worrying the city is, given not even the city's military are well equipped.

In this world, one's military might was considered a highly important matter. Not only was it a clear indication of a person's power, but it also showed strength and acts as a protective function against other parties.

Thus, most lords no matter how much of a penny-pincher they are. No matter how much they hate wasting money. They would always place the utmost importance on their military forces. For one, it is to protect their property, which in most cases would be the land each noble owned.

The military might of a kingdom is highly important, for not only does it protect the kingdom in times of invasion, but it also helps attack and conquer other nearby kingdoms. But other than that, the power of one's military also has to do with one's status and social standing in the upper echelon of society.

In this world that is still stuck in the medieval period, lords each have their private army that they command with their own free will. However, when war erupts between the kingdom and another nearby kingdom. All the armies under the lords' command are summoned directly under the King's command for the war effort.

Looking at the condition of the guard in front of Kent, he was more than certain that his army was, without a doubt, the smallest and the weakest of all the other nobles.

Kent gave the guard a nod before heading into the inner castle.

As the city lord, he has investigated several key issues that had been troubling Hestanar. But even yet, Kent knew more issues must be solved.

But right now, Kent was searching for Sebastian.

It was not until asking a few servants working in the castle that Kent found the old butler working in the castle study.

Kent: "Sebastian,"

The old butler was glued to the paperwork on the table in front of him. But when he heard someone calling out his name, in that familiar tone he heard for nearly two decades. He knew it could be no one else but Kent.

"Mi… milord."

Sebastian tried to bow down to Kent for his lack of manners but was stopped by Kent.

"Please, don't be so formal. It's not comfortable when you act like this." Kent spoke as he sat on the opposite side of the table.

"If this is what you wish. Milord, there must be a reason for you to see me, right?" Sebastian asked.

"Well, I couldn't hide anything from you, can I? I wish of you to assist me for a few of my plans," Kent said

Sebastian froze when he heard the word 'plans'. In Sebastian's mind, the word 'plans' means that Kent would be spending gold from the treasury for his own enjoyment.

The gold reserves in the city are already at a critical level, but Sebastian maintained his best possible face.

Kent: "But right now, I only need men to help with my farm restoration project."

"Farm restoration project?" Sebastian breathed out a sigh of relief.

In the old butler's mind, it appears Kent won't be spending the city's gold on something stupid, and that was good news. You must know, the original Kent often spent an endless amount of money as a demonstration of his power and wealth. He did it to satisfy his self-ego. Of course, the wealth he had was the city's gold reserve, which Kent thought was fine to spend however he liked.

Kent proceeds to explain his plan. "I need men to collect animal feces, vegetable scraps, and wild grass. These materials need to be delivered to the farms in the Upper Plain every 5 days. These materials must be mixed before adding them to the soil. This process will be repeated until any sign of crops sprouting is found."

"Animal feces..." Sebastian almost fainted. The young city lord wanted to add animal poop to the soil. It would poison the soil without a doubt. Sebastian felt troubled

But after contemplating, Sebastian thought obeying his young lord's wishes were not too outrageous. Sebastian knew very well that the Upper Plain barely returned any harvest these few years. Letting Hestanar's irrational young lord poison the soil couldn't possibly do more harm.

Thinking about this Sebastian replied, "I will organise men to carry out your orders tomorrow morning."

Kent smiled, "I also want all the knights to gather in the courtyard by tomorrow's sunrise. Some changes need to be made."

Sebastian: "Knights? Alright then, I will pass down your order to the commander Deryk."

"Then that's all I need. You seem to be very busy, what are you working on Sebastian?" Kent asked, wondering what his butler was working on. He pointed at the piles of paperwork laid all over the desk.

"Well, I am sorting through the city finances," Sebastian answered.

Kent: "Could you give me a brief overview of our financial situation?"

'Master Kent is showing concern over the city finance?'

The old butler was surprised, Kent wanted to poison the Upper Plain a few minutes ago, but now he is also concerned with city matters.

What is going on with Master Kent today?