
Providing education was a thing that require enormous funding, this resulted in high tuition fees. Only the wealthy had access to education, and then usually only for boys. There were no public schools, and those who had the privilege of getting an education usually either learned at home with a tutor or from a school run by the church. Because of this, religion was also a subject that students learned

Learning was expensive, and only people born with a silver spoon in their mouths could afford such large expenditures. But even when the education was frightfully expensive, the knowledge passed down was always extremely broad and vague. Thus, it wasn't uncommon for scholars to be a scientist one day and a philosopher the next.

Kent arrived back in the castle study to find Sebastian. The lord was busy consulting the butler about establishing a new school in Hestanar. So far, the two had decided on a few key aspects of the new school.

Three main subjects will be taught primarily will be Maths, Languages, and Science. Of course, these subjects only served as the foundation for the much harder subjects that will be introduced later down the line.

For Maths, Kent separated it into two smaller parts: Mathematics Course #1 and Mathematics Course #2.

Mathematics Course #1 will be focused on introducing the concept of numbers to the people and letting them grasp basic mathematical calculations – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. This is purposed to create opportunities for developing important intellectual skills in problem-solving, creative thinking and communication skills among the people.

Course #2 will be only introduced in the future as this subject will be focused on the practical application of maths and applying these mathematical equations to everyday living situations. Theory on economics, accounting and minor business management theory will be included.

Language is simply done to turn every citizen into a literate person. They would learn how to read and write in the basic Pheaœ language. (Pheaœ is the native language)

And lucky last, the last subject Kent wanted to introduce was Basic Science. This was by far the most controversial of all the subjects.

Basic Science would be a simplified version of scientific theory taught throughout modern-day earth. The knowledge would include theory taught to grade 7 to grade 10 students in modern-day earth.

The subject serves as a universal subject that investigates the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. This science course would also serve as a prerequisite to enter 3 more specialized subjects that Kent planned to introduce in the future: biology, chemistry, and physics.

Basic Science, Language, and Mathematics Course #1 would be taught weekly. All who are interested could attend class with no fees involved. There are also morning and evening classes to offer more time slots for people to attend.

However, to further incentivise people, particularly those below 18, to attend the classes. They would also offer monetary gains. This is because in this era children that can work were often heavily involved in supporting their own families.

When children are above the age of 7, most of them would help their family, in some way or form. No matter if it was farming, hunting, or learning arts and crafts from their family business.

But this monetary support will only be used to attract the early few students. Hestanar didn't have an unlimited amount of money. They would have to be restrictive on expenditures if the city was to not fall into bankruptcy.

"Milord, the only issue is that we don't have anywhere to conduct these lessons en mass." The butler brought up the issue.

"We don't have anywhere big enough to conduct these lessons?"

"That is correct, the only location big enough to fit that many students would be the great hall in the castle. But that would be inappropriate."

"Hm, then maybe we should break down each class into smaller ones and arrange classes at different times. Say… class of 50 students?" Kent suggested.

"50 scholars per class… Perhaps the taverns and inns would fit the criteria." The old butler suggested

"Taverns and Inns?" Kent asked suspiciously. He knew there were lots of these buildings in Westway District but how would that be great places for class?

"That's right, lots of owners abandoned their taverns and inns due to a lack of travellers and diners in the city. The increase in food prices also decreased the profitability of their businesses. Most of all these buildings were built to hold large gatherings of people." Sebastian replied.

"That makes sense." Kent nodded in understanding. Those business stores would be an excellent location to conduct classes. Not only was the location located in Westway, where it is quite close to where most lived, but the location would also be free. So, Kent could also save some costs for building new infrastructure.

"Milord, I can send a few of the knights to guide you there, immediately." Sebastian offered.

"Please do."

Kent and his entourage of knights set off from the castle to Westway. In that area, the streets are filled with countless primitive housings made from stone and wood. The amount of housing was staggering even for Kent to believe.

When they finally arrived at one of the abandoned inns, Kent headed inside to inspect the location.

The interior of the inns was quite spacious in all honesty, the ground floor of the inns used to be a bar for any travellers to drink and have a meal. So, the ground floor is a wide-open space. Kent decided to convert the ground floor into a makeshift classroom for students to attend.

The tables and chairs could also be reused as much of the furniture in the bar were left behind.

As for the room upstairs, that used to be bedrooms for customers to rent. Kent decided those rooms could act as temporary offices for teachers and storage units for any teaching materials.

However, renovation and clean-up efforts need to be made as the interior was filled with cobwebs and insects, making it an undesirable place to learn. Dust also made it hard to breathe inside the inn.

It would be a while before the first lesson takes place.