The Rogue(Being Edited)

"Surrender now! You are surrounded. There is no escape." Kent called out bravely, but thin droplets of sweat could be seen on his back.

The hooded figure was clearly agitated, with quick vigilant glances at his sides, the figure knew escaping would be proven more than impossible for his current strength.

"I repeat, surrender now, or face the consequences!" Kent called out again at the hooded figure.

The figure retaliated and pulled out his twin short daggers at his sides. He pointed the daggers at the soldiers, but it was no use, the figure only did so as a last resort to keep the knights from closing in.

Kent grunted; it was clear the figure wouldn't give up despite the obvious ending.

"Guards, capture him." The Lord commanded.

Promptly, the knights surrounded the figure in a large circle. The encircled knights, with each careful step, approached the hooded figure with gradual steps. Their longswords pointed at the individual, forming a circle of blades that didn't allow the figure to escape.

The figure grew flustered. He slashed his daggers vividly around him to frighten the knights back. But the guards only advanced ever closer and closer to the hooded figure.

When the knights were at a sword's distance from the assailant, they started their attack.


"Eat this!"

The knights flurried their torrent of attacks on the figure from all angles. The figure was embittered by the seriousness of the attacks. Against only a few knights, perhaps 4-5, the figure knew he could very well handle that amount of enemy.

But against a group of 12 knights surrounding him from all sides, this was plain death. There was no chance for him to survive. But even though he knew there was no hope, he still fought valiantly against his cruel destiny.

Slashes accumulated upon the hooded figure as time passed. Most knights attempted to deal a fatal blow to the assailant, with a critical stab or a head slice. But these major blows were all avoided by the frantic figure.

However, the figure mostly ignored the heavy blows, but he couldn't avoid all of the attacks. Some light slashes gotten through to damage the figure.

With each time the figure was hurt, the individual grew more hysterical than before. Losing their original graceful demeanour and elegant sword art, and retaliated frantically, fighting to their last breath. Not intended to give up no matter what.

Various wounds gathered upon the figure's limbs, blood seeped through his otherwise dark cloak. The figure grunted at the pain but carried on with his furious retaliation.

Some knights fell in the hands of the assailant, but the figure was seriously wounded.

Knights fell on the ground one after another.

But however many knights fell dead, the figure was clearly weakening. His strikes were getting weaker and weaker. The knights all sensed their opponent was getting fatigued.

The knights continued their attack until finally, whilst the figure was busy parrying off attacks, a knight got through his defence and subdued the figure from behind.

"Got you now, coward!" the knight yelled at the figure

The figure was pushed to the ground. Seeing this, all the knights pounced on the figure, putting their body weight on various parts of the figure to ensure he was unable to move.

"We got 'em, lord!" A knight exclaimed in excitement.

Hearing this, Kent sighed in relief.

The lord walked closer to the captured individual to take a closer look. Knights made way for Kent's path. 5 knights held down on the figure's legs and arms.

Seeing there was no way for the figure to even lay a hand on him, Kent walked in front of the figure and crouched down.

"What we do with him?" Another knight called out, he seemed to be the person in command of this area.

"Let's see who you are underneath that hood." Kent said smugly. He looked at the defeated rogue that laid in front of him.

Irritated at the trouble the figure caused. Kent, with a violent fling, pulled back the person's hood to have a look at his the mysterious attacker's face.

He wanted to see what man would do such a thing.

But contrary to expectations, what Kent saw was not the grizzly and unkept hair expected from a man.

Instead, Kent saw soft, wavy golden hair that fell well further than one's shoulders. Neat braids decorated their otherwise silky, smooth hair.

'A woman?' Kent asked himself in confusion.

This question occurred in Kent's head. The knights that were nearby also had the same thoughts, stunned and unable to believe the skilled assailant that they gruellingly fought was a female.

The knights discussed in low whispers:

"A lady! But… how is that possible?"

"That's just the hair. I bet he's a man through and through."

Kent heard this and nodded deep down, having long hair doesn't mean they are automatically a woman. But just to make sure, Kent pulled on the person's hair, lifting their face so he could get a better look.

Sounds of gasps followed, they all stare in shock at the person's face, no, her face.

Delicate round cheeks accompanied with rapture blue eyes, purer than the Azure River. Her pristine bright skin emitted a glow no women could match. One look from this woman could capture the hearts of all men. Her grieve on her capture only made her even more innocent.

But below her crescent face, and around her neck laid a string of which it held an object. Kent could hardly believe his eyes, but then again, what he saw couldn't lie. She wore a necklace, which indicated her wealth, but the object she wore revealed her identity.

A pendant shaped like a shepherd's staff, chained on the string. This object was not a mere decoration, it was the declaration of faith.

At that moment every single guard stood frozen at the scene. Even Kent grew senseless at this revelation.

"You... You..." The women spoke weakly at Kent. Even though she talked in such a low voice, each word carried a charm that didn't belong to a mortal.

Kent, released her hair from his grip, not knowing if he did it consciously or subconsciously. He was still wordless and didn't know how to react.

Finally, a knight grew out of his daze. "Ehh lord, what ehh, what shall we do?"

The knight's question broke Kent from his amazement.

He stared back at the figure in front of him and looked at his surroundings. Groups of peasants already gathered around the scene to look at the cause of the commotion. He didn't know if the peasants saw the identity of the hooded figure, but Kent knew it was not acceptable to let more folks know of what they discovered.

More worriedly, Kent didn't know if more of these... maniacs are lurking nearby. He didn't want any more unnecessary trouble.

"Return to the castle, we are keeping her captive," Kent informed the knights. He turned around, heading back to the castle with great haste.