The Quartermaster Pub II

Kent stood upon the podium. Glancing upon the hundreds of loyal Hestanians that gathered below him, gave Kent a bit of a fright. Nevertheless, the young lord still tried to keep his calm.

He took a few big breaths, breathing in the crispy morning air to soothe his heart. Kent never was a public speaker, though he would say he was quite a poetic person, Kent does admit he lacks bravery.

But hey, a man can improve.

Kent took a few deeper breaths. He looked once more at Sebastian, his loyal butler that stood on the side of the stage. Sebastian, upon sensing that his lord was observing him, the butler returned a soft smile, clearly trying to comfort his lord.

Kent did feel some comfort from his butler's encouragement.

He looked once more at the script that he prepared beforehand. Reciting every word in his head before focusing his attention back on the citizens.

With one arm, Kent raised his hand with his palm open to the audience. He was calling for silence. The citizens, upon seeing this, all individually ended their mundane chitter chatters. They all focused their attention on the person in front of the podium.

"Dear parent, children, and those that are here. As you might or might not be aware, today is a big day.

"Today is a big day not due to the weather we have on this land. Nor is it due to a successful harvest that hasn't occurred for years. Nor is it due to our recent diplomatic successes." Kent pronounced with a loud but steady voice.

"What we are celebrating here today, at this very location, is something unique only available here, in our very humble city of Hestanar. At this very location, at his very ordinary pub, you see behind me." Kent pointed at the Quartermaster Pub behind him.

"Today marks the very beginning of the new Hestanar School!" Kent thundered in a loud voice, exclaiming the sentence so everyone could hear him.

"I, Kent Alfhard, city lord of Hestanar, understand all of you might be very confused at the news. I understand that some of you might have some concerns about this so-called school but I assure you this is nothing like the schools you have known before." Kent paused, looking at every citizen's eyes before continuing.

"At this very new Hestanar School, education will be provided for free. Yes! At the pub behind me, the Quartermaster Pub that you all are familiar with will be where free classes will open."

The audience all gasped when they heard Kent's loud proclamation. They heard that classes would be free, but most of them were doubtful. They only came to have a look at the new school.

"Everything taught in this school will be free. Everyone can attend classes here and it is completely free. However, there are some prerequisites that you need to know. Some of you might feel alienated by this new school."

"As a person of noble birth, I understand that education has been out of reach for ordinary citizens. but I applaud those who are brave enough to sacrifice work to attend this Academy. Even though you are perhaps doubtful of this education, as this city progress and continuingly expand, we need skilled workers. These skilled workers must be you. YOU must take this journey to learn about the world around us."

The Hestanar citizens all listened with awe and bewilderment. They couldn't believe that's something as foreign as education could be given to them.

The citizens all knew that having knowledge, and receiving tuition is something only available to those born with a silver spoon in front of their mouth. Only nobles, dutchies, rulers and wealthy merchants would have the financial power to afford tuition for their children.

The audience all looked at the person who stood on the podium. The citizens knew having an education is as rare as finding gold. Yet, they still wanted to try to get educated for a better future.

Education was a privilege none of them could afford. How could they pass on this free opportunity for their children to receive tuition for virtually no cost? The parents of the children here all knew how hard it is to earn living, working day in and day out without rest.

The citizens all started chatting among themselves, excited at what they have heard from the young person in front of them.

Kent once again raised his hand calling them to silence. The citizens stop the chatter, dropping their voices almost to a deathly silence, waiting for Kent's next words with great anticipation.

"The Academy is something special, there will be a subject that you will be interested in, I can guarantee that. But at this moment in time, there are only 4 subjects taught at his school; the subjects are language, literature, mathematics, and science. These four subjects each only require one year of tuition."

"Science introduces the basic principles of Atoms and the Laws of Motion. Language classes will teach students to be literate, you will be taught the basic alphabet and to have the ability to read and write."

"As for Literature, this subject is a more advanced language course that involves the art of writing, analysing texts and writing documents."

"And finally in mathematics, students would be taught basics arithmetic ability: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers."

"I repeat these subjects are all 100% completely free."

"Classes for these lessons will be opened at the Quartermaster Pub every morning from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Each subject will have a class weekly."

"Currently, I planned classes to be available for people of all age groups to attend. However, due to the academy's current capacity limitation, only children between the age of 12 to 17 can attend."

"I recommend all children registering for classes to choose a subject that you are interested in. The subject you study will very well determine your lifelong occupation when you grow up. This is all I have to say."

Kent finally stopped his passionate speech, he soothed his throat with a sip of wine before talking again.

"If you have any questions, please enquire one of the nearby guards. They are all informed about the classes, the schedule, and the content. To formally register for one of the classes, you must come to Head Butler Sebastian and inform him personally."

"This is all I have to say, thank you for listening!"

Kent waved his hand up high at the audience before walking off the stage.

But then Kent noticed, the place was entirely quiet, not one whisper could be heard from the audience. No one even clapped for his speech.

'Was my speech bad?' Kent questioned himself.

It was only after Kent got on his horse that the audience finally came out in astonishment. They only then realised the young lord finished his stunning speech.

Every single parent, child, and passersby cheered bewilderedly at Kent. They whistled and clapped with utmost enthusiasm.