Capture the Flag

When the morning dawn arrived followed the earliest rooster cry. Whilst everyone in the port city Hestanar was still deeply asleep, carrying a hint of drowsiness as they get up from their deep slumber. A group of men made their way across the Hestanar Upper Plain. Across the once barren farmland they went, the group travelled across the hills journeying to a distant location.

The group, consisting of only adult men, all had a breastplate equipped. The ones with slightly higher status in the group often had additional pieces of armour such as gauntlets, helmets or shoulder pads. Which served to elevate their status, or just to show they were financially well off.

To the mens' side, they all wield a simple longsword, most already chipped or damaged from years of neglect or inadequate maintenance. However, not all were equipped with longswords as others had bows and arrows mounted on their back.

The wind was chilling and the dark clouds looming above their heads, threatening them with the distinct possibility of rain pouring down their necks. Which was the exact opposite of what the morning weather was like a few weeks back. It was a clear signal that the better days of the season was coming to an end, welcoming the arrival of the most chaotic season of the year – Autumn.

Yet despite the unpleasant weather, these men long grew used to the morning hours. Their service to the city required them to be early birds. The men were ordered in lines of three, marching on to the distance in unison.

At the front of the group were 2 men, both on fine and healthy horses leading the group to a location unknown to rest.

Deryk, commander of the Hestanar Knights, faced the man on the opposite horse.

"Milord, we should arrive well before midday, but if we continue at this rate, our men will grow fatigued. Should we rest our men briefly?" Deryk suggested, showing his understanding of the solder's conditions.

Kent turned his head and look at the soldiers following behind them. A group of almost 200 strong marched with fatigue with each step they took, they tire themselves as each would carry mountains of equipments.

But Kent also sees the grit and determination of each of his men. Their eyes, steeled and toughened from their rigorous training filled them with a discipline and dedication unfound in common men in arms.

The lord shook his head; "Carry on. They can have a longer rest once we arrive at our destination."

Deryk wanted to interject, but he gave up before he even spoke up. The commander was sure his lord is more caring than he might suggest otherwise.

On the other hand, as far as Kent is concerned, his men have improved leaps and bounds since he last announced they were to start a new training routine. Not taking a short break on this short journey won't harm them.


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Before long, the group arrived at an open plain field. Around them, short grass with a hint of rare forestry allowed everyone to see them from miles away. Nearby the open plain are a few small hills, offering a variety of different terrain. Which will serve their purposes greatly for their next activity.

With their arrival at their destinated location, Deryk and Kent immediately organised men into four separate groups, each with roughly 50 men in total, spanning a wide variety of ages, from new recruits to old guards, experienced veterans and the new guns.

What would soon happen was the test Kent had mentioned a few weeks back. He promised he would separate the useless from the useful, rewarding those of exceptional ability with a promotion to be a squadron leader of the Hestanar knights. This for sure tempted most armed men in the city to participate and work their hardest in training. Though some men passed on the chance, some were due to old age but some men gave up on the promotion chance as they were content with their life.

With the knights organised and ready, lining up in organised rows on the flat plain. Kent finally gathered in front of the group, with him still on his stallion to look over his soldiers. He raised his arm, announcing to the soldiers his next spoken words.

"Men. You all know what this event calls upon you. What unfolds on these few days would be life-changing, it would be the opportunity of a lifetime for most of you. Value these trials, and I wish you the best of luck."

"With all participants separated into 4 massive groups, your task is simple. Look to the men in your group. For they will be whom you will cooperate, live, and survive together. In the box next to me are garments of different colours, each team will have a separate colour to differentiate from the other."

The soldiers looked at their companions, those who are within their group. Most realising for what would soon happen, they must work with their group to tackle the challenge.

By the end of tonight's feast and the morning of the following day arrive. The first trial would begin, which will be Capture the Flag."

"Each team would have a flag in their ranks that they must protect. Simultaneously, each team could also attack and steal another team's flag. If a group is no longer in procession of their flag, their group would be eliminated."

"Also, no lethal weapons would be allowed. You are to use nothing else but your fists and wits."

"Do you understand?"

The men in arms nodded, shouting their agreement with the lord, showing Kent their understanding of what was to come.

"Then you are all dismissed. Your groups are to collect tools, equipment, and gadgets before dispersing to your designated location. These 4 hills nearby this location are where you are to begin this trial. Each group is to start on one of those hills, away from the other groups."

"By the time morning calls, and you hear the trumpet bellow thrice. Capture the Flag will commence."

"May the strong become victorious."