Dark Alleys

The hooded figure exited the tavern, leaving Giselle alone with her thoughts.

He has already accomplished what he desires, as for the rest, she is in no talking conditions. The figure made his way down from The Narrow Strip, stepping quickly as he treaded away from the district.

The night air was no longer as cool as before, as the clouds closed in, blotting out the light. It will be time soon, to sleep away, wash away the memories of the past and welcome the new.

The figure darted from street to street, like he memorised the city layout like the back of his palm, always knowing when and where to avoid any unnecessary attention.

Before long, the figure reached the great walls encompassed by the castle. The guard on the gate was tired, his fatigue apparent. With his lazy glare, he lazily waved the figure through, he long grew familiar with that man, doing his business amid the night.

Though the figure ignored the guard and walked straight through the gate. The guards never questioned him, though they knew to be vigilant.

The man walked down the halls of the castle like he knew where he was going, along with where he was going. He turned the corner, finally reaching his destination. The library, his home away from home, where he came for rest and relaxation.

"It's finally here," he said.

The library was as he had left it, a huge illuminated window on its left, letting light filter in through the door. A large table was laid out with old dusty books, his books. He found his way to the bookshelf, sliding a heavy one from its location.

As he laid down on the large couch, he suddenly noticed it was dusty, as though it hadn't been touched in some time. The man made a mental note to clean the library out next time, it was growing far unkempt for a man of his status.

Cough cough*

The man rolled over, facing the new intruder into his room. He was the man that had been serving ever since. Humblest and modest of all he has known by far.

"Seb." the man asked as he took off his hood

"Milord," Sebastian said whilst he stood beside the library entrance, a cloth covering his nose.

"Is it wise to dip our nose in other's matters?" the butler asked, mostly to himself.

"It was an opportunity for the taking. A fine vessel that is worth its salt."

The butler shook his head, though only to himself. "7 gold is far too much for a galleon that is long past its better days."

The lord and butler shared a glance before the lord spoke up again. "A knight and his armour, which one is indispensable?"

The man scratched the back of his head, "That depends. If he were to be taken from me, then it would be the armour. However, the knight, as powerful as he may be, has little use for such expensive robes."

The lord looked back to Sebastian, "The deal is done, so let us plan our next steps."

Sebastian nodded as he put it in the back of his mind.

"Also, be sure to get someone to clean the library."

"Of course."


The night had gone black, though the stars were bright and visible. Giselle silently walked through the dark alleys of the Old District, resting her head on her paws as she walked with a cane.

For the first time in months, she felt an intense rush of happiness as she felt. She felt like she had the weight of the world off of her shoulders. The shadows of the city were transformed by light, made more visible by the rising sun on the horizon, her half-awoken form was proof of it.

Her thoughts drifted from the streets to the people of The Narrow Strip. Most of the shops were now half open as people prepared for the day ahead. She watched as the people were on their way.

The captain strolled down the street, alone as always, and came to an open door that appeared to be the only place untouched by the morning activities. Giselle smiled, thinking about the events of last night.

A relieved look came across the captain's face, she took a step forward, gripping a handle to the door. she pushed the door, revealing the inside of a run-down shop.

Giselle looked over to the corner, seeing someone hiding there. The man put his hood over his head as he walked in the direction of the captain. Giselle followed, keeping a vigilant eye out for any suspicious people.

The man walked up to the captain, peering over his shoulder as if he was looking for someone. The captain remained standing, staring the man straight in the eyes.


Giselle kept a hold of her thoughts.

"Giselle." the man said

"Any luck?" the captain asked.

The man shook his head as he turned and walked away, "No, nothing yet."

The captain sighed, he knew that she was just after any gossip, an efficient spy who will take care of all such perusal noises. Giselle walks around the interior of the shop, surveying everything she sees. The atmosphere here is quite stale, as if the place has long lost its vibrance.

She inspected the items present in the shop. There were a few wooden puppets and musical instruments, and a few small wooden figurines. Some of the models had minor flaws, but it was nothing a keen eye wouldn't notice.

Giselle picked out a small musical instrument and looked at the price tag, she frowned as she read it. "120 coppers is quite high compared to the standard."

The man looked over at Giselle and in a low whispered told her. "Crossers are low now. It's difficult to get my hands on those willing."

"Hard to get men to cross?"

The man laughed, "Hard to get anyone to do this line of work. Do I need to pay you to come again?"

The man looked out of the corner of his eye as if expecting to see someone approach. Giselle shrugged her shoulders, "I am not much of one, but I enjoy the thrills of the sea."

The man nodded as he took the instrument in hand and examined it, he had a long white scar that ran down his right cheek, "Well, do you think you can handle this one?"

"As always."

The man grinned at Giselle, she had a somewhat sour expression on her face, perhaps this was not a smart idea.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Go to the shores of Basalsea. I assume The Fair Lady is still active?"

Giselle nodded, looking out of the corner of her eye as if expecting one to come through the door of the shop at any second.

"Good. Then get out of here. Safe travels!"

Giselle nodded to the man, and placing a generous amount of copper coins in the tip jar, she quietly exited the shop. Looking at both sides, the captain tried to see if anyone saw her leaving, but saw no one in the near vicinity.

I hope this works, Giselle thought.


Back in the castle, the lord found himself looking without purpose out his window after the events of yesterday had passed. Slightly disturbed by his doze, he shook his head, deciding that he would do nothing until he heard a loud crash.

The lord jumped up out of his chair, as he turned around, he saw Giselle, standing beside the door of his chamber "Are you alright?" the lord asked.

"I have yet to give my proper gratitude," she replied as she was about to enter.

The lord motioned to her to enter.

"As I said yesterday." the lord spoke. "You were right, let this be a chapter of your journey."

Giselle bowed her head slightly as she stepped inside. The lord motioned to her to sit, taking a seat on a nearby chair, Giselle did as asked.

"Though I must ask what you wish The Fair Lady and its crew to do."

The Lord looked over to Giselle, "I have no wish to stop your current travels. But The Fair Lady is no longer a property of House Davenport, but House Alfhard."

Giselle nodded, "I have heard rumours of what they were planning to do with my vessel, at least it is now in the hands of one that cares."

But then, Giselle's mood changed as her eyes started to have a cruel edge to them. "But do you know the hardship of our trade?"

The Lord stood up, "In terms of revenue? Yes, I have a rough figure in my head."

Giselle smiled in return, "There are many forms of revenue, but my concern lies with a certain type of revenue. House Alfhard would like The Fair Lady to be owned, held up in the main port of Hestanar and deliver tender goods."

"What do you mean to hold up?"

Giselle thought for a moment, "You want The Fair Lady to deliver food from the north of the dominion. Am I wrong?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well, I have a rough idea of what you would have to do."

"Yes, but we would have to wait until the upcoming harvest season. But before that, I am not yet certain on what to do with The Fair Lady"

Giselle inched closer. "Would smuggling interest you?"