"I've got the outline, but can you go in first? I'm afraid the demon spirits will meet us with attacks if you don't go there first. Is that all right, Prince?" asked Su Yan with a faint smile.

"Hey, fine. I'll go in first. And all of you follow me," said Xiao Tian as he stepped into the portal of the void.

Xiao Tian stepped into the portal first, followed by Su Yan, the black dragon, Princess Jia Li, Huang Li, Liang Su, Kaibo, Fatty, Huanran, then general Huang Cheng and his army.

And finally, the queen Xiao Hong with her five shadow soldiers.

Just when everyone had entered, Xiao Tian instantly closed the vacuum portal.


"Yo," said the God of Lightning as he greeted Xiao Tian.

"I thought something happened to keep the portal open for so long. Why did you bring so many people here?" asked Sun Long as he looked at Xiao Tian.

"Is the little red lizard a demon spirit?" said Fatty.