~Chapter 2~

~Chapter 2~

The babies continued to cry as I held them in my arms. I didn't learn about any of this in school. They said they were supposed to prepare you for life but they didn't teach us anything other than textbook stuff. Here I am twenty-two, an English major standing with two crying babies in my arms and not knowing what to do. I tried rocking them back and forth in my arms but that did little to stop the crying. As much as I would love to see them happy I have no idea how to make that happen. The only person that I know who knows about babies and would answer my call.

Is James but he is at work so google might help a little bit. Then it dawned on me I could call mom but she'd freak out or ask a hundred questions but it's my best shot. I tried my best to open and close the door without accidentally dropping a baby. They aren't even my babies so I'd be in lots of trouble if they got hurt. "Hey, Sari, call mom," I spoke into my phone. "Calling Mom." my phone said in a monotone voice. "Alex, what are you call- Are those babies I hear in the background?" Think of something quickly, I mentally yelled at my brain.

"Yeah, I'm babysitting a friend's children because I'm off today. They left me with instructions but I can't seem to figure out why they won't stop crying. Do you have any ideas mom? I didn't want to interrupt her date with her husband so I called you." I said into my phone's speaker. "Oh, that makes sense. Good for you for making friends at college. Well about your problem, have you tried giving them a bottle or changing their diapers?" I looked at their diapers and they didn't look soggy or anything but who knows "She didn't give me enough mix to make the milk. Do you know where I would be able to get some?" I asked my mom. "You should be able to get some at a pharmacy and some other things for the babies. Did she give you a carrier or stroller to take the babies in?" Mom asked me as she started to talk about what I was like when I was a baby. "Yes, she did." I lied.

"Okay, that is good because you never want to leave a baby or child unattended. Well, I hope I was able to help solve your problems. Love you Alex, have a good day." Mom said before hanging up. Okay so now we have to find a carrier. Maybe I should check the basket for anything else before I leave. Thank god for my arm strength or else I have no clue what to do with two babies. I put the babies back into the basket and moved them into my bedroom and shut the door. I took the babies out of the basket and laid them on the bed. I looked through the basket looking for the powder stuff or diapers. All I found was the power and thankfully the package had instructions on it.

I ran out of the room and grabbed the pot that you can heat water in. I never know the names of all these new devices. My bedroom is attached to the bathroom so I can watch the babies while filling the container with water. I read the instructions and started to boil the water. I didn't let it get too hot before turning the water heater pot off. Then I realized I didn't have a bottle. By this time the babies were in an uncomfortable sleep. Going to sleep hungry isn't pleasant.

Thankfully with all the advancements in today's delivery system, I can get all the stuff I need without leaving my home. I always thought that was stupid until now. I pulled the WallyMart.com page and ordered two carriers, some baby wipes, some diapers, bottles, toys, baby formula powder, and blankets. This all came up to be a grand price of a hundred and forty-one dollars. As a now broke college student all I can say is I'll be living off ramen until I get my next paycheck. Speaking of work, I think I will have to call off today. The bookstore always doesn't have much business and the public is well but leaving two babies alone to work isn't a good decision.

The order said that it would be delivered in twenty minutes. Another perk of living here is it is close to stores so you don't have to go far to shop. I passed the time by staring at the babies making sure nothing was wrong. I was wondering what I would do with the babies. I think I'll call James when he's on break to ask some questions. I heard a knock at my door signaling my delivery was here. A woman in a blue uniform with a yellow smiley face was standing in front of me. "Hello Sir, I have your delivery here." The woman told me. "Okay thank you. I'll get the bags myself and I grabbed twenty dollars and gave them to her. "Here you have a tip for good service. Thank you and have a good day" I said. As I grabbed the baby items and brought them into the apartment. I spent some of the time while I was waiting. Emailing all of my teachers for the day that I wouldn't be able to make it to class. I don't believe one day of missing assignments wouldn't kill me.

The teachers might kill me for missing class, but I'm a good student and show up to class so I don't think there is much of a problem. A few of my teachers already responded to my email by sending me an attachment of the work from class. There isn't much homework tonight since all of the other classes just were going over the work. Today in most of my classes was a day where if you had any unfinished work or didn't understand something you could have the teacher help you. I didn't need help with missing work or something I didn't understand so it would be a few free classes. I saw the babies start to stir signaling they were starting to wake up. The formula was already cooled down and ready to give to the babies. I opened one of the baby bottle packages and poured the formula into it. I also grabbed two baby blankets to wrap the babies in.

I picked up Christian and started to feed him the formula. After a few minutes, he decided that he was full and wanted to go back to sleep. Then I picked up Amber and fed her for a few minutes. Instead of going back to sleep like her brother, she decided she wanted to play. I quickly grabbed a rattle from one of the bags and gave it to her. It was adorable seeing her shaking the rattle with her tiny hands. I do not know how old they are because the last time I was around a baby was when I was seven. It was at a family reunion and I met my baby cousin for the first time. Mason is still an annoying brat he never grew out of that phase. The little twerp even dyed his hair without permission when he was twelve. I still like to text him and we hang out fairly often. He's like the little brother I've never had. Sometimes I even help him with homework. Sure I wasn't the best in science and math but I still passed which helps me when I can help Mason.

I played some music and worked on my classwork at the desk in my bedroom. Christian and Amber were playing with the rattles. I saw Christian pick up one of the corners on a blanket and start to chew on it. I got up out of my seat and walked over to the bed and sat down. "No that isn't good Christian," I told him as I gently took his blanket away. Then I saw his lip start to quiver and his eyes start to water up. "Hey, little one it's okay you can have your blanket. I just don't want you to choke on it or get hurt." I told Christian as he started to cry. I picked him up and start rocking him back and forth in my arms. Amber was sitting on my lap and playing with the rattle. 'At this rate, I will get emotionally attached to them. I need to find their mother soon or at least find them a better home.' I thought to myself.

~The End Of Chapter 2~