~Chapter 4~

~Chapter 4~

I woke up in the middle of the night again. Another nightmare, another night of interrupted sleep. It's almost a nightly ritual now. Wake up sweating from a nightmare and take a shower then try to go back to sleep. The doctor said it's normal for this to happen to police officers. I don't want to take a shower this morning so I just changed my clothes. In any normal circumstances, I would never take a shower in the morning. I know people take showers in the morning to wake themselves up but won't you be dirty when you go to sleep. I should go back to sleep so I am not tired while working. After putting on different clothes I went back into my bed and started counting sheep.

When I woke up this time it was my alarm clock waking me up. I usually just do things slowly when I wake up and start to rush when I hear Alex's apartment door open. I don't eat breakfast anymore because my coworkers usually bring in snacks to share each morning. Plus the bitter coffee keeps you awake till lunch. I don't wear my police uniform to work because we get changed in the locker rooms and get all of our gear when we show up. I put on some sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. I don't want to start bringing out my coat and sweatshirts yet so I just wear long-sleeve shirts.

They keep me warm until it starts snowing. I was sitting on my bed fully dressed fifteen minutes before it would be time to leave. I was playing some games on my phone for a little while until I heard a knocking on my door. Alex must want to leave early today. I quickly grabbed my wallet and keys from off my counter and opened the door. "Hey, Alex you're ready to leave earlier than usual today," I said. "Yeah, I have a test today. I hope you don't mind leaving a bit early today." Alex. "I don't mind at all I was already awake. When I was in the police academy most of the tests were physical so we didn't have to study much with books." I said as I grabbed one of my bags off the floor. I started to walk out the door as soon as I slipped on my shoes.

"Lucky you. My major is completely different the most physical part is lifting the books and walking to get a cup of coffee." He told me. "Well, you must have good arm and hand strength then." I joked with him. "Since we are a bit early today I might finally be able to have a decent cup of coffee and a jelly doughnut. Instead of the last cup of lukewarm coffee and a plain doughnut." I mentioned. "I could toast a bagel for you in the morning if you want but you are on your own when the weekend comes," Alex suggested.

"That would be amazing thank, you Alex," I said smiling at him. Alex is too nice for his own good. "I have to turn here. Have a good day at work." Alex told me before he waved. "You too, and I wish you the best on the test," I said before walking away. Alex always brings a smile to my face when I talk to him. Now I have to go to work. The precinct is a couple of blocks away from where Alex and I part ways. I walked through the front doors and my buddies Anthony and Max walked over and greeted me. Max smacked me on the back which spooked me a little but it's normal.

"Hey James coming into work early I see." Max joked. "Hey, James you are here early your shift hasn't even started yet," Anthony said. "Yeah. My friend I walk with had an exam and wanted to leave early so we left a bit early today." I told them. "That makes sense. Well, you should hurry up and put on your uniform since your shift is starting soon. I'll save you a doughnut," Anthony said. "Thanks," I said before going into the locker rooms. I put on my uniform and put on all the equipment I needed. In the academy, they never did teach you how to get used to all the stuff you carry. I put my phone and personal belongings in my locker so I don't lose them.

Plus a phone distracts me from my work. I finished up getting dressed and looked in the mirror to make sure I was wearing everything correctly. I walked out of the locker room and sat down at one of the desks waiting for a call on the walkie-talkie. I munched on the jelly doughnut while reading through the newspaper. Then I saw a shadow descend over my desk. "Hey, Officer Walker. Mr, Green wants to see you in his office." One of the other officers told me. I nodded and stood up. I'm really hoping this isn't about that case.

I knocked on his office door before hearing him say "Come in." "Hello Sir, you wanted to see me?" I said. "Yes. Have a seat." Mr, Green said gesturing towards the chair in front of his desk. "I wanted to talk about your current position as an officer." He said. "Sir I apologize for speaking out of lines but I don't like it when people beat around the bush. Am I being fired?" I asked. "No far from that actually. I observed your investigating skills on the Scarlet family's case and I was wondering if you would like to become a detective. You would still be able to work by yourself and the hours would be different. Of course, you don't have to decide right now.

I'll give you a few days to decide and think about it when you reach your decision come talk to me. I've kept you from work for long enough now so go back and start your patrol." Mr, Green said before I left his office. I spent the day thinking about what he said. I guess I did a good job investigating that case but it shouldn't have ended that way. I was just working like a robot until lunch break when Anthony and Max came over and were talking to me for a little bit. They had to leave though because they both had to go deal with some kids vandalizing a school. So I went into the locker room and checked my phone for notifications. There was a message from Alex asking me to come to his apartment to help with something.

I left the weapons that were part of my uniform in the locker and went to the apartment. I was going to ask for his advice on the job offer. It had completely slipped my mind that he was supposed to be at college. Then when I arrived at the apartment he was holding two babies in his arms.

~The End Of Chapter 4~