~Chapter 6~

~Chapter 6~

"So did they behave well while I was gone?" I asked James. "Yes, they did. Amber scared me for a little bit when she was just falling asleep. Christian seems intent on playing with his rattle." James told me. "Yeah, that was all he did earlier when I was watching him," I told him. "Do you want to eat in here? As long as we don't make a mess it will be fine." I said. "Okay." He said. I went back out into the kitchen and grabbed the sub bag. I handed James his sub and sat down on my bed. I moved my two pillows so I could lean against the wall without hurting my back. I pulled out my chicken teriyaki sub and unwrapped it. I didn't eat my cookies or chips yet though.

I'm saving the best for last as some people would say. I LOVE the raspberry cheesecake cookie they have. When I was younger I entered myself in a baking contest. It hurt my pride that no one voted for me even though I tried hard. Like those second graders baked their cakes themselves. I know Emily's mother hired a professional cake maker to make her daughter's cake. Enough about those cheaters though some other kids from my class made some raspberry cheesecake cookies and they were delicious.

As much as I wanted to vote for my other friends I voted for them. Long story short they won the contest. I even stayed up till midnight baking until mom told me to go to sleep. The only reason she told me that is because she didn't want me burning down the house while using the oven. Needless to say, the house smelled like chocolate cake for a while. I love the wacky cake recipe. It isn't like any other cake you don't need milk or eggs for the cake which is cool. "What are you thinking about over there?" James' voice interrupted me from my thoughts. "Oh, nothing much just thinking about good memories involving sugary sweets," I said. "That sounds like fun," James said.

I started to eat my sub. I always have them add some black olives and some sweet onion sauce to it because it tastes amazing that way. I always wondered why it's called a chicken teriyaki sub when there isn't any teriyaki sauce on the sub. "How was work going for you, James?" I asked him. "It was going pretty well actually. Mr. Green even wanted to promote me to a detective." James said. "That is amazing. You should go for it," I told him. I know how much James loves his job.

We continued to eat our food in comfortable silence. Amber woke up after a couple of minutes and started to play with a rattle. I kind of feel bad that the babies don't have anything to play with other than a couple of rattles. I want to go back to work soon so when I get paid I can buy some more toys for them and some other baby things. If child protective services aren't able to take care of them I will have to. After a couple more minutes I finished up my meal and left the cookies and chips for dinner.

I looked over at James and he was cleaning up his wrappers. "I was wondering if you could watch the babies while I made their bottles up for the trip?" I asked James. "Yeah, it's fine," James said. I went back out into the kitchen and grabbed the powder and bottles. I heated some water on the stove and then mixed the powder. I took the bottles and carefully poured the mixture into the bottles. I then grabbed my backpack and emptied the contents onto my table. I then took some diapers a blanket and put them into the backpack. I had kept my sweatshirt on so that was one less thing to do. I then put on my shoes and went back into the room. James had tossed out the wrappers into the trash can and looked ready to leave. "I'm ready to go do need help with anything?" James asked me.

"No the only thing I need help with is carrying the babies," I told him. "That isn't hard. Since we might not arrive at the precinct in time, I will have to use you as an excuse." James stated as he picked up Amber. I bent down and wrapped Christian in a blanket and picked him up. James and I walked back out into the kitchen where I had to the bottles. My father got me a backpack designed for hiking so I could always fit a thousand things in the bag. "Can you put the bottles in the pockets on the side of my bag please?" I asked James.

He nodded and put the bottles into my bag. I took my phone, wallet, and keys and put them in my sweatpants ' pockets. I opened the door letting James out before locking the door behind me. I'm hoping it won't be too cold for the babies while we are on the walk to the precinct. It took us around six minutes to walk to the precinct. "Okay, so I'm going to say I met you outside and was helping you with your case. I'm sure Captian Green will let me work on your case even though we know each other. When we first get in stay behind me so you don't get lost" James told me.

"Okay," I replied. When I got walked through the office door someone immediately greeted James. They seemed like they knew each other because they were talking casually. I heard James say "Max I was wondering if you could show Alex to my desk while I go put on my gear real quick." "No problem. Follow me this way." Max said. James had handed Amber to Max before he went off to put on his gear. I was a bit nervous being in a police station for questioning but it's not like I was a criminal so I don't have anything to worry about. Max showed me to where James' desk was and let me have a seat in one of the chairs. Now all I have to do is wait for James to get back and then we can start the questions.

~The End Of Chapter 6~