The Wonders of Pistol

"It's a wheel-lock pistol. It's made up of rare metal compounds. It's the best invention in pistols to date. It's very easy to operate. I have never seen such a beautiful pistol before" Viny Fox said to her mother.

Viny found the pouch containing 12 bullets. She was very happy to see the bullets. So do I, I was also happy as I found someone who knows best out of me. She went to the jungle to test me. She aimed at a rabbit and he was dead in microseconds. Then he aimed at a flying eagle and she was laying on the ground in a fraction of seconds.

She came to know that this pistol has something in it and it never misses any shot.

She keeps me with at most care. She used to clean me daily and used to feel me. I was also very happy with her.

" Please hit all the targets in bull and I will be thankful to you till my whole life" Viny Fox said me a day before the championship.

There were five shots in the event.

One: hitting a stationary target.

Two: hitting a rotating target.

Three: hitting a flying target.

Four: hitting a hidden target.

Five: hitting a coin.

Rounds are the knockout basis.

27 shooters have come from different parts of Greece. Miss Fox cleared the first round by hitting the bull.

Second and was a perfect hit. The third was achieved with ease. The hidden target was an eye of a dead rabbit. Which was hit perfectly again. In the last round, she was alone and was declared the winner before the 5th round started. But she said that she will try this round too. A coin was toppled by a man in the air and she hit it in seconds. The ground was full of claps and applause. She was the best shooter in the town now.

The King witnessed the whole event and gave her prize with his hand only and offered her to join his naval forces as a sharpshooter. Miss Fox thanked the king and accepted the offer.

How the time runs. Time is circular. It's not the history but also the future which repeats itself. I was again on board a ship. Miss Viny Fox was deployed as a sharpshooter on board. She was what I was in my previous life. I was happy with her but feels like something is incomplete. Miss Fox was aware of all my strengths. She was posted as a personal guard of the Captain. The ship had very few girls. The condition of the girls on board the ship was not very pleasant. All the females of the ship told the issue to the Fox as she was near to the captain. She told that to the Captain about the issue but he didn't take any action. Despite this, he tried to take advantage of her. All the females made a plan to take over the ship and their leader was Miss. Viny Fox. She filled the remaining six bullets in the pistol and headed toward the cabin of Captain and executive in-charge. She killed both the captain and Exo using two bullets in me, i.e. the wheel lock pistol. She also killed three more people who were trouble for the females. Now Miss Fox was the captain of the ship.

She always used to keep me with her. I was always loaded with the last bullet left. She tried to get other bullets for me but all in vain. She was not getting any bullets. She hired a man who can make bullets for me. But nothing good had happened. I was locked in the silver box in Miss Fox's locker.

She was commanding the ship in a very good way. Everyone was happy under her command. But, a group of people was against her and raised a mutiny. They didn't like that a lady is commanding them. Everyone in this ship knows about the story of Wheellock gun and her entry into the forces. Everybody thinks that her power was in that pistol only. She was not aware of that and was always treated in a very good way.

The report of mutiny came to her through a spy of her. As she came to know about this, she decided to quit. She called everyone on the upper decks and addressed the gathering. She said I tried to take care of each one of you, but perhaps it was my weakness that I was unable to take care of you guys. So she left the ship and resigned from her post. She went to the upper parts of the Himalayas and decided to spend the rest of her life there only. Lots of monks were staying there in different caves. They used to pray and learn martial arts. They worship the Lord, Buddha, and believe in not killing anyone. They were being harmed by the snowman. Giant humans with lots of hair on their bodies. Miss. Fox decided to save these monks with the help of me (the wheel lock pistol). She made her small hut outside the main entrance to the city and learned all about a snowman. She was having only fear that she had only one bullet left and there were lots of snowmen. But she showed a dare and made a firing post near the hut. She used to keep me loaded and tired to a tree., from where she can see all the people coming in and out.

One night Miss Fox was sleeping as usual near the firing post. A giant showman came and attacked the Monks. Miss Fox just attacked him back with bare hands. I was watching all this alive. The snowman was very big. Miss Fox tried to kill him with her knife but she was just struggling.

She shouted," if I would have my pistol I would have shown you. Please come to me my wheel lock pistol." I was listing and witnessing everything. The snowman hit his giant punch on Miss. Fox's head and she died on the spot. As soon as she dies I fired off my own and killed the snowman. It was a miracle. I came to know about one more power of mine. I used to fire off my own and I don't need any bullet to be loaded in me. That was magic. Whenever any showman comes to kill the innocent monks I used to save them. That was my duty now.

With time, the Monks made a temple of mine naming 'Wheellock temple' and kept me there. I used to fire off my own and always take care of those Monks and their families for the last 750 years. I have continued my wonders to date.