

(The fates at play)

"I think we should get another method of picking victims. Spin the bottle seems rude."

"Excuse me; Spin the bottle is a classic mortal game. We shall ensue with it."

"Mortal's pars game, if you don't mind me correcting, my Fate."


"Oh tace, angel, and spin the bottle!"

(Shut up)

Lumiere left no second to waste and spun the golden glass on the divine table of Fate. The bottle swirled with a golden glow over the circular table, riveting its inquisitive spectators into a state of part hypnosis and part fancy. It whirled all over the place and gradually stopped near the edge of the table, its neck hanging off like a Dolphin stuck in its hoop.

"Which ill-fated mortal do we doom this day?"

"Hale Dorian, fatum claudus."

(Lame fate)



"All that power in the hands of a mere mortal while the magical realm burns? Non aequum est, mea fata."

(This isn't fair, my fates)

Laughs resonated after angel Lumiere's protest.

"Nos numquam esse promiserat, amica mea,"

(We never promised to be, my love)
