keep a better eye out for trash

I liked laughing, ever since I was a child. Humour helped me cope absolutely anything and everything. It made me feel more like myself in a way nothing other could. To many, a laugh wasn't a big deal but a natural constant of their lives.

Though, for me, a laugh was a luxury that I could rarely afford and hence, I cherished it with my entire being. I intend to love the things that make me laugh and I treasure the people who make me feel so.

It was a rather simple way to connect, but in their presence I didn't feel suffocated anymore. They bickered back and forth, Elvi shouting something along the lines of, "I'm sure you liked touching my ass, kinky freak!"

And Aedion retorting back by saying, "And I'm sure you loved getting spanked, bottom hoe."

"Takes one to know one!" Elvi retorted back, pouncing over Aedion as I cackled more. It was fun, they were fun.

I had never seen the pristine Elvi Salvatore interact with the cold and reserved Dorian brothers. All three of them had different social circles of friends and I had never seen them talk more than five words to each other all my high school life.

I know I sound too sure, but that is because I was also Aedion's number 1 observer. Totally not a stalker, just a distant admirer.

"Your laugh is mesmerising," I heard Aedion suddenly compliment me and I couldn't help the steadfast reply that escaped my lips.

"So is your existence."

Oh my lord, nO.

He did just not fuel the simp in me and I did not just say that.


Aedion coughed, brushing the back of his head as Elvi grinned.

"You're cute," The ice-blonde grinned at me and flustered, I looked away. It was late in the afternoon as the orange of the sun tinted the glass windows.

"Let's go," Aedion smiled at me, taking my hand in his.





My feet almost gave up on me and if it wasn't for Elvi supporting me from behind with a large hand on the small of my back, I would be a drooling mess of mush that Aedion would have to drag behind him.

"We're at Hale's home because it was the closest to our school. We picked you up from our school infirmary after the orientation program ended. Hale wouldn't stop whining how he potentially scared you to death and wouldn't sit still until you were checked by our family doctor," Aedion informed as he led us out of the room into an equally lavish corridor line by glass railings.


That's ... Kind?

"I'm sorry for all that hassel," I apologized, truly feeling guilty of all the inconvenience I caused.

"It's alright angel, you only slept for 9 hours max and the school nurse certainly wasn't concerned if you went into a coma or something," Elvi informed with a grim smile, putting his hands on my shoulders and leaning in front to make sure I get the sarcasm in his face.

I sighed.

"Well it's not my fault, you three played a good part in startling the living daylight out of me," I mumbled with a pout and Aedion chuckled.

My heart fluttered into an overdrive.

"Of course little girl, and we're taking responsibility for it," He replied, turning to face me with a smile. I sighed, momentarily dying and coming back to life as my heart thumped slowly in my chest.

"And for that I am grateful," I choked out, my social meter running out as my throat felt dry and my hand felt clammy in his.

Oh no. What if I sweat in his hand! He'll think I'm a disgusting sweaty girl! I sweat from my hands! No! I should leave his hand, right? Yes I should!

And so I did, slowly pulling my hand out of his grasp to hug my waist. Oof, all safe now!

Aedion turned back with an indecipherable expression of grey eyes staring in mine for just a second before we were climbing down the stairs and the sounds of a child crying invaded our ears.

Curiously, I peeked from behind Aedion's large shoulders and spotted Hale holding a plant pot over a crying baby's head.

And I screeched out, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

My feet moved on their own accord, running forward and standing in between the baby and Hale.


Hale screamed back at me, grey eyes wide in a mixture of anger and annoyance.

"Protecting it of course! What the hell are you doing?!" I retorted back as Hale pounced forward, trying to get past my range and attack the child with the plant pot. I spread my hand in the air, trying to stop him from getting past.

"I'm shutting it up, of course! Little shit won't stop crying!" Hale snapped at me and before he could throw the pot at the child, I hooked a foot with his, kicking his other shin to make him fall on the ground as he groaned in pain and instinctively loosened his grip on the plant pot which fell on the ground.

Aedion and Elvi, who had been standing still until now, ran up to us. Aedion pulling his brother away and Elvi patting my face to check if I had any scratches.

As if on cue, I flicked his hand away and turned to the crying child and picked it up.

"It's gonna be okay, it'll be fine, it's alright bub, you're safe here. You're so safe with me," I cooed in it's ear, hugging it close to my chest and patting its back. I cradled it in my arms, lulling him back and forth to silence as I turned to glare at the boys.

Hale looked properly stunned, with grey eyes wide enough to pop out of their sockets at any given moment of time and roll on the floor. His jaw hung open while Aedion tried to pull him up but kept failing because Hale was as still as a dead body.

The child calmed down and I turned back, I heard it giggle and it gave me a sense of peace. Instantly, my high went down and reality sunk in.

What in the name of skittles did I just do?!

Attack the owner of the house I'm in and properly invaded their privacy and butted in their household matters.

Holy nuggets.

Why did I do that?

I could feel my hands grow clammy against the yellow of the child's blanket as I patted it's back. I had no reason to interrupt. I have no idea why I ran all the way up to this child and attacked Just to protect it.

Why did I do it?

My mind drew blanks.

"W-W-what— how... How did you do that?!" Hale exclaimed in a low tone and my mouth gaped like that of a fish. Opening and closing on it's own accord as air bubbles of nothingness flew into the atmosphere.

"I—, I uh— did not — me-an to—" I stammered out, desperately trying to make comprehensive sense but failing miserably at it.

"Hale stop it, you were in the wrong. You should not have scared the child so much. Even Miss Rivers got worried. It's alright little girl, Hale was just playing with baby Ahren, right brother?" Aedion took the situation in hand, giving up on lifting Hale and getting to do the talking.

Elvi summoned Nova with a clap.

I raised my eyebrows at Hale, "Playing for sure. You looked like you were out for blood," I scoffed out.

Like a ghost, the navy haired butler appeared at the scene with a broom, cleaning the spot in silence.

"Of course I wasn't playing! Dion you don't get it, I told you it was a demon child! It bit me in the dick! Cheeky fucker wanted boobs to play with!" Hale retorted in reply then stared at my chest for a second before correcting, "Never mind, she has no boobs. He was just being an attention seeking brat!"

I turned around, suddenly self conscious of my small breasts and blushed furiously. "You're disgusting, Hale Dorian."

Elvi took my hand in his and rubbed a soothing spot on my palms.

Aedion whacked Hale's head and the latter shouted at his brother. "What the fuck was that for?

"Apologize this instant! It was awfully rude of you to make a derogatory comment like that. You have no right to judge a person based off their physical attributes and vocalize it for your childish intentions. Have I made myself clear?" Aedion spoke in a deeper tone now, his sculpted face going all strict as Hale eyed the floor in guilt.

"I just pointed out the obvious, what are you talking about—" Hale started replying but was cut off as Nova stepped on his foot while cleaning the floor. "Ah Nova! What the fuck that hurt!"

"Oh, my bad Master. I couldn't see you around all this toxic masculinity and ego. I'll make sure to have a better eye for trash next time," Nova bowed in curtsey and proceeded to brush the pot way.

Aedion stifled an appreciative laugh as Elvi grinned proudly at his Butler.

"I can't believe you all are ganging up against me. All because of a girl. I thought we were family," Hale spat and then stomped his way up the stairs and away from the view.

My thundering heart calmed down a bit but I couldn't control the quivering urge to cry. I wanted to cry, but I shouldn't. I can't cry just because I'm hurt. I've been enough weak for one day.

But before I could break down, the child blew a breath against my neck and my entire being calmed down. From almost being in a hyperventilating state fidgeting with it's yellow blanket to standing insanely calm. It felt like I could conquer anything.

"I apologize for that, Miss Rivers, I have no idea what has came over him," Aedion sighed out as he eyed his escaping brother in disappointment. "He's a better person than he puts out to be."

"Yeah, he's the kindest on February 30th. It's such a vibe," Elvi chimed in as he pulled a chair for me to sit. I giggled before replying, "It's quite fine, thank you both again. I'm really indebted to you lot. And you too Nova, you're the best!" I pulled a thumbs up at the Butler who gave me a nod of acknowledgement and walked away with wide eyes.

Elvi held his hands out to take the baby.

My instinct didn't want to let go. I could feel the pitter patter of its heartbeat against my hand and it was the most calming thing I ever focused on. I could stay here all day and hug this child till— wait

Where are these feelings sprouting from?!

I gave the sleeping child away and it didn't fidget, thankfully as Elvi passed it to Aedion who took it inside.

"The Dorian's got a new brother?" I asked as the news was relatively unknown.

"You— can say so?" Elvi's reply sounded more like a question as he took a seat beside me and flipped my plate. "You should eat, it's almost evening."

Oh my Lord!

My head whipped around to find a grandfather clock striking 5 in the evening and I jumped to action, practically inhaling the food at hand. I had absolutely no experience with table manners because I usually ate alone and I really did not want Aedion to see my uncultured side.

And I'm sure Elvi didn't mind my table manners as he continued at his own pace, perfectly good at hiding the fact if he was disgusted by me or amused.

So I stuffed down the toast, soup and chicken with rice before Aedion came back with the crying of his brother resounding in the background.

"He won't calm down..." Aedion sighed, taking a seat at the head of the table as I instantly shot up, wiping my face with a napkin.

"I should really get going!"

"This quick? You don't want your clothes back?" Elvi smirked as he leaned in and his hot breath hit my thighs. I yelped, jolting back with a spoon in hand.

"Yeah! Of course! I forgot about that!" I exclaimed as Elvi leaned back, laughing out loud. Even Aedion had a ghost of a smile.

Out of nowhere, Nova came out with my clothes neatly folded in his hands. "Your laundry, my lady," He held it out for me to take and I couldn't thank him enough for his kindness. "I'll be waiting to drive you home," He continued and I gave out an awkward laugh.

"Oh no, it's quite fine, really, I've intruded enough, please. I can find my way back home! I have my phone— where is my phone?!" I gasped out and felt for the pockets of my clothes.

Oh no no. If that thing comes in anybody's hands, it's doom for me. I have Aedion Dorian as my home screen for crying out loud, I will die!


Panic struck my being as cold sweat invaded my body but before my heart could go in a full blown flurry, Elvi grinned his charming smile and pulled my phone out of his pocket and held it in my face.

"There you go, I found it on the infirmary table and brought it. But I won't give it to you unless you promise to agree on Nova giving a ride."

Almost crying, I bent down and pulled the ice-blonde teen into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! So much! I can't thank you enough! I'll go with Nova, even if it's an inconvenience!"

I pulled back and run back up to change, not brave enough to face what I did.

But if I did turn back that day, I would have seen a flustered Elvi, frozen in spot with a slanted grin on his face. An expressionless Aedion and a stoic looking Nova stare back at me with cold eyes.

But I didn't. So I merrily hopped upstairs, hugging my phone and unlocking it— only to see my wallpaper of Aedion being replaced with a pouting face of Elvi giving the camera (or in this case me) a finger heart.

Ah. Eternal Damnation. Here I come.