Chapter 49: Returned Objective

It was thought-provoking.

It was a nightmare.

It was fictitious.

Yet somehow, what the boy said, lay heavy on his mind.

He couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned on his bed, unable to have some kind of relief that will aid him to slumber. But all in all, that relief, did not come.

After the conversation between Toshirou and Kyung, the winter-blue-haired teen had greeted a goodnight to Mahalalel, who informed him that Eva had taken the kids up to bed.

Toshirou sensed the older man wanted to inquire of him what transpired between him and Kyung but understood perfectly when he did not ask. Judging from the look on Toshirou's face, the whitish-grey-haired man could easily assess that the two boys had made up and reconciled.

Uttering a single goodnight, Toshirou strolled off to the large hallway, still lit up by chandeliers, and walked into his room, thus, bringing him to his current predicament.