Chapter 106: Beastly Identity

'🎶I hear of your voice, that makes me whole🎶.'

The melody repeated itself over again. It was the only line of a song he couldn't remember, yet it was so familiar to him. It wasn't just the melody he could remember, but the voice from which such sweet words flowed. It was gentle and loving, kind, and undoubtedly feminine. So lovely the voice was, it never failed to always soothe his heart, always place his soul at ease. He had no idea to whom the voice belonged, but it felt so familiar he couldn't help but accept it.

However, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. The sweet loving voice was almost instantly overwhelmed by a voice more dangerous, gravelly, and unbecoming.

"Joel... Thou Art belShazzar!"

"I'M NOT!!"