Chapter 114: Forgive Us

Silently, neatly, he sipped his water from its glass container. His eyes were on the blonde girl sitting opposite him beside the lady of the house. He stilled himself to not think of anything, noting that the girl had psychic abilities, which were at a base level, similar to Bonnie's.

"It seems my daughter has caught your attention quite a bit."

Toshirou's lips stretched slightly into a smirk, with the edge of the glass cup still at his lower lip.

"Only beautiful gemstones are capable of holding the attention of others, and this gift you spoke of her having, only piques my curiosity even more," he commented smoothly, bringing down the cup from his lips.

The Lady, Sarah Arimathea, smiled lovingly, and visibly swooned at the male's words.

"You see," she said, turning to her daughter, "you are pretty when you try, and it seems your gift did not land you in trouble like your past encounters. "