Unspoken Truths

*Years after Hela was cast out of Asgard and removed from its history. Odin married Frigga, Thor and Loki are here both just after their teenage years.*

Odin awoke Hex from where she was kept when he rendered his two sons old enough to meet her. After Odin's war with the Frost Giants, Hex discovered a young child amongst the rubble and brought him to Odin. He did not feel the need to kill him and instead named him Loki Odinsson and brought him to Asgard.

Hex knew young Thor from Asgard and was very fond of the Allfather's wife, Frigga. Since that day Hex has been asleep. No battles required her skill and Odin only wanted his sons to meet his prized posession when he deemed them of age.

As soon as Hex were woken up by Odin she was met with the emerald eyes of prince Thor and the striking blue eyes of prince Loki. She immediately knew who they were. Her gifts enabling her to see their memories.

She saw every tear shed, every laughter shared and felt every muscle and mind trained. She read them like an open book and Loki immediatly recognised the feeling of his mind being read and blocked her out as soon as he realised what she was doing.

He did not like when others knew what he was thinking, let alone feeling. But she already saw and felt everything. She was not shocked when he blocked her out. She was all too familiar with it when Frigga did it as well.

Hex knew Frigga taught the young prince magic and expected him to have her tricks all the same. Hex hated reading the minds of others unless she feels the need to. Unfortunately for the first few seconds after waking up she momentarily lets her walls down and forgets to shut people out.

"My sons. This is Hex. The bearer of the original stone and the mother of the six infinity stones. She is one of my most skilled and deadly warriors." Odin gestured proudly toward Hex.

She could not help but cringe at his tone. She always felt like an object when she was in his presence. She was only used according to his liking. The only person she felt normal to was Frigga.

Loki quickly noted the faint change of emotion in Hex's eyes when Odin spoke. He could not decipher what exactly it was since Hex went expressionless just as quick as she blinked her eyes.

He was intrigued at the thought of his fathers most beloved warrior having a different opinion based off what they are being told by Odin.

"Why was she kept asleep father? And why wake her up now?" Thor asked Odin.

"She is kept hidden to ensure that our enemies are not aware of the weapon she can become. I woke her today so that you can train with her. She might teach you both knowledge on your skillsets that even you did not bother to think about." Odin spoke with authority. "She also must become your new guard Thor. If you were to become King of Asgard you need her alliance by your side for if the need of war ever occurs."

Odin and Thor spoke about Hex as if she was not right next to them. Hex furrowed her brows at this and quickly changed her expression to rather stare at her surroundings. The room she was in is different. A few new decorations and colours were found around the space.

Her eyes found Thor and she studied him as he spoke with the Allfather. He was a tall Asgardian, as most of them were, with broad shoulders that match his heavily muscled body. His red cape hangs mere centimeters from the floor and his shoulder lenght golden hair hangs loosley around his neck.

Hex noticed how much Thor resembled young Odin and noted that the only thing he seemed to have different from his father is his eyes of which resembled Frigga's. She also noted his weapon in his hand.

Hex was present when Mjlonir was first forged. It was a week after the prince was born and she remembers Odin telling her that it will become his gift when the young boy becomes of age.

Hex moved her gaze away from Thor and instead looked towards Odin's other son standing off to the side. Unlike Thor's red and golden colouring of armour, Loki's armour consisted out of emerald green and gold.

He seemed to be a big fan of black, a colour which suited him well. He too had a cape, but it was not attached to his armour but rather part of his dark cloak. Hex found it odd that he wore such long sleeves on such a warm day.

His hands, she noted, were not rough and calloused like Thor's but rather smooth. His skin resembling that of porcelain. A clear indication that he preferred the method of fighting with magic instead.

His dark armour was a perfect contrast to his pale complexion, unlike Thor who seems to want to stand out on both looks and fashion. Both prince's wore colours that complemented their looks and personalities, but Hex much preferred the simpler look Loki represents.

His hair were as dark as his clothes and just like Thor's, hung on his shoulders. The only difference between the styles are that Thor seemed to have bound the top half behind his head and Loki opted for sleeking his hair back instead.

As Hex's eyes traveled upwards to study the young prince's face she was met with his entrancing gaze fixed on her own emerald ones. He doesn't seem to notice her staring since he had a far off look in his eyes. He was studying her too.

He thought her to be a curious creature. He was busy trying to invade her thoughts to learn her secrets but could find nothing but an emptiness. He was so enthralled by this fact that he continued staring at her trying to break what ever barier she seemed to keep behind her eyes.

Hex slightly tilted her head to the side to gain his attention. The small movement seemed to break his thoughts as he suddenly cleared his throat and looked towards Odin and Thor, pretending to listen to what ever conversation they had ongoing.

Hex blinked a few times, stunned at what just occurred. She knew he was trying to read her, but she found it strange that he would hide it from her. She did not shy away from using her gifts and wondered by he would.

"Hex, my darling. How are you feeling? I hope they didn't bore you with their words. Come dear, lets get you into a new gown and food in that small body of yours." Frigga spoke to Hex while hugging her tightly.

Frigga loved Hex and treated the girl as if she were her daughter. Frigga never liked how Odin spoke to the girl and neither did she approve of the idea of locking her away. She always felt like Hex had to live her own life if she was not busy batteling away a war.

Unfortunately, there was only so much Frigga's words had influence on and with the subject of Hex, Odin refused to listen to anything the Queen had to say.

As the two women walked together side by side, behind them Odin and Thor still had an ongoing conversation while Loki disappeared from the crowd.

Hex opted for a dark blue dress that hang loosely on her, concealing her blades underneath. She was always prepared for a fight and chose dresses to easily conceal her weapons. The back of the dress was slightly open, revealing the top half of her sword.

Hex did not fret on the detail and rather displayed it with pride like any warrior would. Her long hair was elegantly pinned atop her head and she wore golden arm jewelry to finish her look. Dressing up was one of the things she took advantage of when ever she was awake.

Hex met the warriors three and a female warrior named Sif when dinner was served. Thor seemed to be close friends with the four and easily started conversing, drinking and joking. Loki was no where to be found until most of the dining hall had left.

When be came to eat his dinner he sat across from Hex at the table she shared with the rest of the group. Just as Loki sat down, Thor, Sif and the warriors three said their greetings to Loki and farewells to Hex. Their drunken laughter echoing through out the hall as they left.

Hex was no longer eating but rather stared at her cup in front of her. She cannot get drunk, but she has always wondered what it would feel like. She never had the opportunity for it when she was still mortal. She did not notice the blue eyes across the table studying her from where she sat.

Only the servers and maids were left cleaning by the time the last person has left their seat. Hex sighed and stood up from her table, leaving her half empty cup on the behind. Loki just finished his meal and stared after her as she left the hall. He found her to be a very intriguing person and his curiosity got the better of him.

As Hex left the hall she headed towards the royal garden. A place she spent most of her time staring at the ancestors above her. She chose a bench near a big tree that sat at the edge of the garden. She tucked her legs underneath her and faced the the vast city before her. She could see Heimdall at his post, the waterfall falling off the edge and the children playing in the streets beneath.

She smiled in content, as this is what she spends her time doing. She tries to memorise everything she can before going back to sleep. She doesn't want to forget how to live and wake up with death in her eyes.

She knew he was there, staring at her. She knew since she left the hall that he was following her every step. She didn't mind, he seems to want the same thing she is seeking. Someone he can talk to that understands him. Someone he doesn't want to hide from. Someone who isn't afraid of who he truly is.

Hex knows what he is and what he is capable of. She knows him better than he knows himself.

"Are you just going to stare the whole time or did you want to join me?" She asked while still staring ahead.

He hesitantly moved from where he was standing and quietly sat down next to her. He is dressed in more casual attire. His shirt green and his trousers black. His hair no longer sleeked back but rather falling freely, framing his face neatly.

His beautifully sculpted features was calm and he leaned forward resting his elbows on his legs as he too stared at the beauty of Asgard before him.

The atmosphere between them is serene and they seem to understand and trust one another without having to utter a single word. Hex's eyes once again found his hands and she wondered how a person's skin could look so delicately smooth.

She thought at how fragile it seemed to look. As if a simple touch to it will make him crack and break and yet at the same time they looked strong. His muscles and veins visible on his hands and forearms. Hands that could kill and hands that could caress and love something delicately all the same.

Her brows suddenly furrowed when she got a small glimpse of a scar on his palms. His long sleeves preventing her from seeing it completely. She did not think much of it since she too bared scars of her own.

If only she knew back then what those scars on him meant. If only she knew how much that little moment between them meant so much. If only they both knew how much they meant to each other. If only they realised that even without words they spoke so loudly and so much during that day of being in each other's presence.