Chapter 5: Back to the castle

 In Reed, while studying the magic that fascinated him, there was a sound of wings inciting outside the window.

   A slapped bat flew into the house along the half-open stained glass window.

  Reed squinted his eyes slightly. This is a bat raised in the kinship castle, and its purpose is the same as that of human homing pigeons.

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   reached out his hand, the bat hovering in the house was extremely smart, and fell into his palm lightly after gliding.

   skillfully held the bat to his ear, a voice sounded.

   "Under the crown of the ancestor, please return to the castle as soon as possible"

   two-ring spell, phonograph

   A rare spell, Reed has not learned, the ancestor of the blood family is not interested in these auxiliary spells.

   There are only two second-generation bloods who have studied, and this voice is a female blood named Lucy.


   Reed is also very curious about the blood family base camp.

   As the ancestor of the blood clan, it is time to go back, after all, the blood clan is his root now.

   turned his head and looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

   Clocks and watches have already appeared in this world, but time is not called hours, but sun time.

   One solar hour is equal to one hour.

   is a little weird, but it's not too hard to remember.

   Reed shook the magic bell in the room, and the clear and sweet voice spread to every corner of the mage tower.

   A few minutes later, the sound of Tata stepping on the floor at the sole of Wina's shoe came from far and near.

   bang bang bang~

   The door was pushed open, and the girl took a few breaths, and the tall and bulging chest supported by the blue mage's robe undulated several times before it eased.

   Wei Na's face was slightly ruddy.

   "Master Reed, what's your order?"

   Reed takes out the usual excuses before.

   "I have a new magic experience, I want to find a few monsters outside the city to practice my hand"

  The blood family must eat blood once a month. Although ordinary food can provide a certain amount of energy to the blood family, it cannot provide the unique substance possessed by blood.

  Every blood race is like this, even his blood race ancestor is no exception.

   If you don't drink blood, the blood will be life-threatening.

  The ancestors of the blood race would not attack ordinary people in the city, so they would return to the castle once a month to drink blood in the castle.

  The bloodline of the ancestor of the blood clan is extremely mysterious. Even an extraordinary mage can't find out his true identity by normal methods, so it is not dangerous to lurk in Grimm.

   He would never do these easily revealing behaviors.

   So Wina is also used to Reed often going out.

   "Master Reed, pay attention to your safety, I will clean your room."

   Reed nodded slightly, and after explaining some trivial matters, he immediately prepared to leave for the castle.

   His talents have the attribute of immunity to sunlight, so the sun, which is a natural enemy to the blood race, can't hinder him, and he can go out any time.

  The reputation of the blood clan is extremely bad in the eyes of human beings. It has always been regarded as a mortal enemy. Once discovered, it will be surrounded by the army and the wizard.

   In order to avoid being sent to the nest, the castle of Reed was built in the deep mountain range 500 kilometers away from Grimm.

   After arrangement, go down from the seventh floor to the first floor.

   The ten or so apprentices of the mage who met along the way respectfully bowed to him and saluted him.

   As the apprentices who have been accepted into the Master Tower by Reed in the past three years, these seedlings are good, and they all have the potential to become a Master.

   But the mage is the most difficult and the most in need of talent, and none of this group of apprentices has grown to become an official mage.

   Reed all nodded slightly to indicate that these apprentices were recruited in the first place to cover their identity, so the ancestors of the blood race did not teach them too seriously.

   Of course, now he doesn't care about teaching, he can only wait for the time to deal with these apprentices.

   In front of the Scarlet Mage Tower, the two servants had already arranged the carriage.

   Reed appeared on the street wearing a blue advanced mage robe, the surrounding crowd instantly showed a look of fear.

   Many civilians even lowered their heads directly, not dare to look at him directly.

  Because he lives in the mage tower for many years to study magic, most mages have a little withdrawn the mage master's eccentric temper is well known.

   Masters who have mastered mysterious magic and possess power far beyond ordinary people have always been the object of envy and fear by commoners.

   Offended a nobleman, maybe the other party just flicked a few whips, but offended a master mage, the other party can make them see death with a magic.

   Looking at the envious and fearful expressions of many people, Reed didn't respond much. These scenes are too common in memory.

   Even the nobles of Grimm dare not want to be presumptuous in front of a powerful senior mage. Magic is the truth, and the motto of the goddess of magic has always been the principle of the mage's belief.

   The carriage is very luxurious, and the fur of unknown monsters is sewn with blooming Luanwei flowers.

  The soft cushion is even more comfortable than the sofa, and it collapses in a large area.

  The two sides of the carriage are separated by glass windows from the cold wind. After opening the curtains, you can see the scene on both sides of the road.

   Although Reed admits that this city has a strong foreign environment, the level of messiness still makes him a modern man who is accustomed to the cleanliness of the city frowned.

   The congested sewers, the rats climbing up the street, and even the beggars who took off their pants in the alleys for convenience.

  All the scenes illustrate the ignorance and backwardness of this era.

   is also so true that Reed can't bear to look away. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

   Whether it is a caring vendor on the street or a nobleman passing by from time to time, the expressions on his face, body movements, and behaviors all show that this world is not a virtual game.

   Everyone has his own soul, which is a living life.

   It took a full half-day before the horse-drawn carriage drove out of the towering city walls. This city with a population of one million is unbelievably large...There are no modern high-rise buildings here, and the low utilization of land is scary.

   Not far from the gate, the two servants parked the carriage beside an unmanned forest, and Reed got out of the carriage alone.

   The two servants have long been accustomed to his behavior, and drove back to the city after saying goodbye to him.

   Reed entered the woods and used a two-ring spell, investigation, but no outsiders were found.

   Mind open the attribute panel and watch the skills above directly use the racial talent of the blood race.

   incarnate as a bat.

   Incarnation of bats: you can incarnate into 100 small bats, each bat contains 5% of power, as long as there is one bat, you can regain a new life. It can also be transformed into bat wings to fly at 50% of the speed of small bats.

   This skill can almost be regarded as the strongest life-saving skill of the blood clan.

   is transformed into 100 bats, as long as they disperse and fly and escape one, they can be reborn.

   is enough to rank high in the escape skills.

   Similarly, it can also be used to hurry.

   Because it is a racial talent, the casting process of Reed is even easier than that of small fireball.


   A flash of black smoke flashed.

   The sound of Reed disappeared instantly, and hundreds of bats fluttered and took off.